Are Your Life And Ministry Choices More Than Just Because? …Go Forward!

Hi! Do you agree that when people make decisions to do ministry or make life choices, their reasons are 'More than just because?' A friend and I had a conversation about my upcoming weekly Bible Study, “Walking Through the Word with Rochelle." I mentioned that 'Coming Soon,' on the Bible Study Lesson/Blog Page and 'Subscribe… Continue reading Are Your Life And Ministry Choices More Than Just Because? …Go Forward!

How Many Ways Can You Grasp Merriness?

Hi, This is the time of year when joy should reign throughout the land.  Joy should especially fill those of us who love Jesus.  Because, even though we celebrate Christ all year, this is that time set aside to celebrate our savior's birth.  But unfortunately, the commercialization of Christmas has caused many of us to… Continue reading How Many Ways Can You Grasp Merriness?

How Does Guilt Join Other Emotions To Be Hindrances To Your Happiness?

Hi! Wow! It has been over four months since I took a hiatus from posting on SBTW. I did not realize how much I missed writing on this site until I typed today’s post. It is a great feeling. Let’s get started. Have you ever felt guilty about something? If so, how did it make… Continue reading How Does Guilt Join Other Emotions To Be Hindrances To Your Happiness?

Day 17: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?

Hi! Well it is countdown Day-17.  Yesterday I cried; and I cried the day before.  Why?  So many reasons!  Though you're thankful that your loved one is no longer in pain; it hurts that you will not see them again on earth.  The recent death of my dear brother in the Lord caused an epiphany.  Sudden… Continue reading Day 17: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?

What Does Good Success Look Like?

Hi! What does good success look like?  The subject of success has been on my heart for quite some time.  I've mulled over it for awhile.  There are so many reasons why.  But, I think the main reason is because of the warfare I experienced from waiting until I was thirty to go back to… Continue reading What Does Good Success Look Like?

Do You Know How To Get Victory Over Suicidal Thoughts?

Hi! Have thoughts of giving up ever popped into your mind?  I am sure they have. How often? Never? Occasionally? Frequently? Those peace snatchers have boldly stepped up to quite a few of us at one time or another. Most people just keep the inner turmoil to themselves. They cover it up with ease through… Continue reading Do You Know How To Get Victory Over Suicidal Thoughts?

Can Negative Criticism Be Constructive?

Hi! How do you receive criticism?  I guess you might be saying, "It depends upon who it comes from!"  Or are you saying, "Some people are just full of negativity geared towards tearing people down?"  And you might be right.  Many critical remarks contain darts manufactured to paint a defamatory picture of their objects.  But could… Continue reading Can Negative Criticism Be Constructive?

What People in Your Life Really Want the Best For You?

Hi! All of us would like for someone to want the best for us. We cannot deny that it makes us feel good to have someone in our corner, rallying for our success. There is something about having a personal cheer team. The exhortation nudges us to ‘go ahead.’ Does it matter if your hoopla… Continue reading What People in Your Life Really Want the Best For You?

How Do You Embrace The Future While Struggling Through The Present?

Hi! Have you ever felt lost in familiar surroundings?  Have you ever read a book, finished a chapter, turned the page and the next chapter was blank.  No title, no words.  That's how my life feels right now.  Just blank; clueless about the next; filled with wonder.  This sight impairment has left me with a… Continue reading How Do You Embrace The Future While Struggling Through The Present?

What Makes Laughter To Be Good Like A Medicine?

Hi! You never know how, when or what God will use to penetrate dark clouds looming in your life.  Yes!  He gives you His Holy Word and commissions you to pray, to puncture walls of heaviness.  Yet, He uses many things in life to catapult you into experiencing relief. It does not matter how dismal… Continue reading What Makes Laughter To Be Good Like A Medicine?