What Makes Laughter To Be Good Like A Medicine?

Hi! You never know how, when or what God will use to penetrate dark clouds looming in your life.  Yes!  He gives you His Holy Word and commissions you to pray, to puncture walls of heaviness.  Yet, He uses many things in life to catapult you into experiencing relief. It does not matter how dismal… Continue reading What Makes Laughter To Be Good Like A Medicine?

Day 18: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?

Hi! Well!  It is countdown Day-18!  It has been an eventful; heart-wrenching day.  I woke up this morning with triumph, obedience and intercession on my mind.  These words came from having studied the first four chapters of Nehemiah since Monday.   Nehemiah is an interesting book.  I've taught from it on many occasions.  But this… Continue reading Day 18: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?

The Walls Are Exposed! ….What Are You Going To Do?

Hi! Have you done a self-assessment lately?  Have you inspected your emotions, actions and reactions to see where walls are hiding in your life?   If not, maybe you should?  Why?  Because walls do more than protect.  Walls can block you in. They can block you out. They can cause you to become stuck.  They can… Continue reading The Walls Are Exposed! ….What Are You Going To Do?

What Drives You?

Hi! What drives you?  Is it fear of not wanting to have any regrets?  Sometimes, the mere thought of looking back over our lives and being filled with "what if," and "if only" is frustrating?  Missed opportunities are often daunting?  The very thought of them can disturb your peace.  That's why trying to avoid the backlash… Continue reading What Drives You?

Part XIV [Final Thoughts] – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”

  Hi! Have you ever started missing someone or something and nothing has physically changed?    Have you ever felt as if something new was getting ready to take place; and you just didn't know what it was?  What do you do when these things happen?  Do you just wonder, "What is it?"  Do you… Continue reading Part XIV [Final Thoughts] – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”

Day 19: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?

Hi! Well!  It is countdown Day-19!  Push is in the air.  Both as a word; and as an acronym.  "Push!"  Pray Until Something Happens!  The questions  are; "What is the 'something' that you want to happen?     Do you even know what you want to happen?"  Sometimes, we say, "Do it God!"  But do we… Continue reading Day 19: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?

Part XIII – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?

Hi! Do you ever wonder why you do some of the things you do?   Why do you love to sing, teach, play a musical instrument, travel, paint, sell cars, sew, cook, dance or write?  I know you might be saying, "It's just a proclivity, duh!"  But the question remains; "Why?" Some of us don't… Continue reading Part XIII – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?

Why Are You Smiling?

Hi! Do you wonder why some people never smile?  It is easy to make assumptions about those who always have straight faces.  That is because; upside-down smiles make great topics for conversations. Especially when you're asked what someone looks like.  Do you find yourself describing people by their unique facial expressions?  When asked how someone… Continue reading Why Are You Smiling?

Is the Plantation Mentality Popular in Your Household?

Hi! Everyone’s household has popular ethics, morals, habits, thought processes, traits, and norms.  The phrase, “It’s what we do,” shows up in many families’ conversations.  Especially in black people’s homes.    That’s why I must ask you something.  Of all the, “Way of life,” modes of thinking, in your household; is one of them, the… Continue reading Is the Plantation Mentality Popular in Your Household?

When Did Disrespect Begin To Be The New Normal?

Hi! I know Millennials and young Gen X’er’s might take this post’s title as a dart.  I’ll understand if you clapped back with, “What about our respect from older people?  It’s time out for tossing our questions and opinions aside!”  You; my friends, have valid points. But; this is not an attack against the young or… Continue reading When Did Disrespect Begin To Be The New Normal?