Hi! Okay; first, this post is not a throw-off on anyone. The topic birthed from a college educated person, asking my thoughts on earned degrees versus honorary degrees. So stay with me. There is no malice in my heart. To those who have the question; here we go!! There was a time when certain… Continue reading What happened To The Joy of Earning A Degree?
Day: May 30, 2022
Will You Show Up To The Greatness In You, Crying To Be Exposed?
Hi! Before photography became instant and digitized, photo developers used darkrooms to expose pictures. They experimented with various chemicals, copper, glass and tin wet plates. The exposure time in these emulsion processes ranged from minutes to seconds. During that time bellows were added to cameras to help with focusing. Dry gelatin plates were used to… Continue reading Will You Show Up To The Greatness In You, Crying To Be Exposed?
What Chains to the Past Stifle Your Success?
Hi! Have you been pushing forward; yet, it feels like something keeps hindering your progress? The crazy part is; you don’t see roadblocks in your way. All you know is that, there’s an invisible encumbrance blocking your path to success. It really makes the grind hard. Yet, no matter how difficult the road; you keep… Continue reading What Chains to the Past Stifle Your Success?
Have You Faced Your Giants?
Hi! There comes a time in all of our lives when we have to face giants. We don't always know what the giants are until they unexpectedly pop up. Lately; this has happened to me quite often. I've become aware that giants visit in different ways. The other day; I was on a conference call… Continue reading Have You Faced Your Giants?
Part XII – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”
Hi! Do you realize how blessed you are? And did you know your being blessed is more than just having material gain. You can be so spiritually and mentally together until you are tickled with joy in the midst of any life circumstance. Having your thoughts intact makes way for you to press to succeed… Continue reading Part XII – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”
What Is In You That Will Benefit the World?
Hi! How many times have you heard the familiar question, “Where have you been all of my life? Maybe someone referred to you as a, “Best kept secret!” Even if you have or have not been the recipient of either of those queries, there remains another question. What is the reason for such assessments? But,… Continue reading What Is In You That Will Benefit the World?
Day 20: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Hi! Well it is countdown Day-20. Faith and favor have tag-teamed in my mind for three days. Wednesday, as I paid a bill, I learned that I owed $275 less than what I was paying. Even though the overage amount was small; it was a welcomed surprise. Especially, since I needed to target those funds to… Continue reading Day 20: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Day 21: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Hi! Well! It's countdown Day-21! Today started out with an unexpected assignment. At 9:21 this morning; I received a phone call from our Chief of Staff. He apologized for the late notice; and asked if I could teach midday Bible Study. It's funny; I had thought about being "Prepared," and having "Purpose." I sighed,… Continue reading Day 21: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Day 22: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Hi! Well! It's countdown Day-22. This journey is peeling back more layers each day. "Confidence," and "Dependable," are the words on my mind today. They come from two different trains of thought. 1) Shaking off insults; and, 2) Hoping my sons remember me, if the Lord allows me to live into my 90's. I guess… Continue reading Day 22: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Day 23: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Hi! Well it is countdown Day-23. The last couple of days have brought a loud; "Thank you Jesus," into my spirit. Especially with what I dealt with yesterday; compared to what God blessed me to do today. Yesterday, I dealt with an attack against my anointing to teach. Today, the Lord blessed me to sing, share… Continue reading Day 23: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?