Hi! Sometimes our troubles flood in so profusely; until we find ourselves in a faith waning stupor. When you’ve been through one storm after another; it gnaws at your hope. If you’re not careful; life’s trials will chip away at what you believed two, five, seven, or ten years ago. Yet; no matter how torrential… Continue reading What Unexpected Umbrellas Give You Peace in the Storms?
Day: May 30, 2022
Part XI – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”
Hi! How many times have people said to you, "Get Over It!" What has your reaction been? Do you agree that it's easier said than done. ...When it comes to grief; it's just not that easy to lay it to rest. If the truth be told; while we are on this earth, there's no… Continue reading Part XI – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”
Part X: – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”
Hi! Do you realize how many thoughts run across your mind at any given time? Little things here, mega plans there, family in the center, work assignments on the sides, church functions in the corners, and love interests in the nooks and crannies of your mind. Oh yes! ...All of them simultaneously racing through… Continue reading Part X: – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”
Day 39: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Hi! I guess by now, you've concluded that the 40-day countdown doesn't mean 40 straight days. Well, even if that is the case; and there is a space of 2, 3, 4, or more days between posts; stay with me. Because, the countdown is still happening. Actually, it's working already; and it's only day 39.… Continue reading Day 39: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Who Loves To Be In Love With Loving You?
Hi! When you read the title to this post, did many people come to your mind? I know! If you’re happily married; or in a healthy relationship; the question is minuscule; the answer is obvious. If you’re in a loveless marriage; or haven’t been in a relationship in years; this question might be frustrating. But, does… Continue reading Who Loves To Be In Love With Loving You?
Part IX – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”
Hi! BOOM!!! ....Isn't that how sudden changes feel? They catch you off guard; and bring their best friends; Mr. Discomfort or Mrs. Shock with them. ...Anybody that has ever experienced a house fire; an unexpected job layoff; pink slip or spouse leaving them; a life threatening illness that caused them to not be able to… Continue reading Part IX – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”
Part VIII – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”
Hi! Let's face it. Sometimes rereading what you wrote during tough times brings PAIN. So why write? It's therapeutic! But why not just write it; get it out; and throw it away? Nobody wants to drudge up old hurtful memories. Yes! That's true. Yet, some of the memories aren't painful; some are filled with happiness;… Continue reading Part VIII – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”
Part VII – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”
Hi! How often do you second guess yourself? Not much? That's great. So let me ask; "Do you find yourself inundated with doubt from time to time?" Sometimes? ...What do you do? If you're a very private person, you might just keep those thoughts to yourself. Or do you talk it over with a confidante? Perhaps… Continue reading Part VII – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”
Do You Do What You Love to Do?
Hi! How many people do you know, who are on their jobs strictly for the money? There are many who like their pay; yet they don't like their job. There are others who would care less about what they earn. They just love what they do. What about you? Do you like your job? Yes?… Continue reading Do You Do What You Love to Do?
How Do Like-Minded People Inspire Your Growth?
Hi! There’s an old idiom that says, “Birds of a feather flock together.” Some think that phrase is the total opposite of the common phrase, “Opposites Attract.” But, in essence; the two phrases have similarities. I guess you’re thinking, “Uh! Excuse me! No they don’t!” But think about it. Varying personalities keep spice in relationships;… Continue reading How Do Like-Minded People Inspire Your Growth?