Hi! Well, it is Countdown Day-2. Wow! The second to the last day of this journey has arrived. When I look back at the 38 days of this 40-Day Countdown; it brings me joy. Many layers have been peeled back; and the core is peeping through. But, the question is; "What is the core?" Today's thoughts… Continue reading Day 2: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Day: May 30, 2022
How Does Rejection Help You?
Hi! This post might strike you as a bit accusatory, but that is not the intent. It is straight from the heart of those who talk, love, listen and read. If you fit into one of the scenarios given below, and you become angry, shake it off. Keep reading! You might find yourself as the… Continue reading How Does Rejection Help You?
Do You See Opportunities Wrapped in the Obstacles You Face?
Hi! How many ways do obstacles enter into the average person’s life? Some hit abruptly. Others manage to worm their way into our spaces before we recognize they are there. Yet, other obstacles are noticeable when they are far off. Our view of them become clearer as they get closer. Whatever ways obstacles come, we need… Continue reading Do You See Opportunities Wrapped in the Obstacles You Face?
What One Word Keeps Firing Up Your Focus?
Hi!! Yaaaaay!!!! It's the first day of 2K18! I'm OFFICIALLY UNBOTHERED!! That was the title of my pastor's message last night in service. That powerful message prompted me and others at our church to praise into the New Year! "OFFICIALLY UNBOTHERED," will not just stick with me throughout 2K18. This solid phrase's indelible imprint will… Continue reading What One Word Keeps Firing Up Your Focus?
How Determined Are You To Win?
Hi! It's been more than three weeks since I've written on this blog. Those weeks were so full of everything. We had family debacles, other ministry responsibilities, personal health problems and challenging life situations. Yet, there were still a lot of questions that came in my spirit along the way. As they came, I just asked… Continue reading How Determined Are You To Win?
Can Feeling Stuck Help You?
Hi! Can you imagine being in the midst of successfully reaching multiple important goals; and at the same time; you feel stuck? Are you working on a steady job; you've just been promoted; life is good; yet you still feel stuck? Perhaps you're an entrepreneur whose business is thriving; and stuck continuously pops up. Maybe… Continue reading Can Feeling Stuck Help You?
How Do You Handle Being Misunderstood?
Hi! Have you ever dealt with being misunderstood? What about its' multiple effects? Sometimes being misunderstood is such an irritant. But, at other times it means nothing. Do you agree? Does it bother you when you are misunderstood? Or, perhaps you're the type who could care less. Either way, there are many reasons why people… Continue reading How Do You Handle Being Misunderstood?
Are You Walking In The Dream You Had Years Ago?
Hi! Have you ever had a dream that was so vivid until it seemed as if it was real? When you had the dream; did you dismiss it as a fluke? Did you wonder if a secret wish triggered the dream? Maybe you attributed it to being the result of what you ate the evening… Continue reading Are You Walking In The Dream You Had Years Ago?
Day 3: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Hi! Well, it is Countdown Day-3! Wow! 3, 2, 1; so close to the finish line. Why the oxymoronic feeling? There's uneasiness about finishing something you've become accustomed to doing. Yet; there's a good feeling about the prospect of stepping into the, "New." These mixed emotions spark lopsided anticipation of the last day of… Continue reading Day 3: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Day 4: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Hi! Well! It is Countdown Day-4. Do you ever wonder if your life inspires anyone to grow or succeed? Do you intentionally bless people? Do you help others; just because it's in your heart to do so? Yes! Well, why do you feel so down about yourself? You're attractive. You're highly intelligent. You're gifted. You're… Continue reading Day 4: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?