Hi! I recently read a very thought-provoking question, "Are you striving or thriving?" That question sparked another question in me. "Are you striving, thriving, or satisfied with just surviving?" The thought, "living in purpose on purpose," also resurfaced and resonated in my spirit. So today, I thought to share an excerpt of one of my studies… Continue reading Are You Living In Purpose On Purpose?
Month: May 2022
Who Has Your Ear?
Hi! Can I talk to leaders today? Stop! Before you click away, STAY WITH ME and consider this. ...Is it possible that we all are leaders in some form or fashion? Think about a couple of Merriam-Webster's definitions of a leader. It is one who has commanding authority or influence; guides someone or something along… Continue reading Who Has Your Ear?
How Often Do You Stop To Smell The Roses?
Hi! Have you ever looked at your child, grandchild, niece, nephew or younger cousin and said, "You're getting so big?" Or have you said, to someone who is like a little brother or sister to you, "Wow! What happened? When did you grow up on me?" ...Did you wonder, "Where did the time go?" Or did you say… Continue reading How Often Do You Stop To Smell The Roses?
Day 15: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Hi! Well! It is Countdown Day-15. There's so much on my mind. Yesterday, our First Lady hosted a SisterLink2 event after service. We wore our, "I am my Sister's Keeper" t-shirts. There was food; teams developing lyrics on the spot; singing; questions; panel discussions; an awesome guest speaker; and much laughter. We had a wonderful… Continue reading Day 15: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Open The Door! …..Please!
Hi! Today's post is from a tract that I wrote last year. This is slightly different from our Monday and Thursday talks...... Open the Door! ….Please! Have you ever heard the door bell ring or someone knocked at the door and you did not answer? It may have been a meter reader, an annoying salesperson,… Continue reading Open The Door! …..Please!
Do You Know What Season You Are In?
Hi! Life is cyclical. As long as we live, every one of us will journey through diverse seasons. There are seasons of snow, rain, sunshine, heat, drought, overflow, day, night and many more. In order for us to live victoriously, we must recognize the season that we are in. However, some of us don't always find… Continue reading Do You Know What Season You Are In?
Are You Willing?
Hi! Willing to do what? Isn't that your first thought when asked, "Are you willing?" Doesn't this question cause you to wonder? Or does your mind race in different directions when someone poses it to you? Yes? Well, let's stretch the thought.... What sparks and what drives you to even think about being willing? Life!… Continue reading Are You Willing?
What Mindset Do You Need To Be Happy Today?
Hi! Wow! It has been two months since I last posted on this blog. Where was I? I guess you’re wondering, if I was experiencing writer’s block. I don’t think so! It’s safe to say, “The delay wasn’t caused by a brain freeze.” Well, then; what was the reason for the time lag? Had I… Continue reading What Mindset Do You Need To Be Happy Today?
Don’t You Think It’s Time?
Hi! What is your first thought when asked, "Don't you think it's time?" Do you automatically think, "Time for what?" Or perhaps your thought is, "What are you getting at?" These are not unusual reactions. Because, the question, "Don't you think it's time," can send your mind racing in multiple directions. Some of us start… Continue reading Don’t You Think It’s Time?
The Ugly Side Exposed? Why Is It So Hard?
Hi! It's rare to find someone who enjoys discovering the side of them that's not pretty. And I don't mean when you're posing for a photo. ...Most of us feel some kind of way when the ugly side of us is exposed. And, yes, we all have them. When the hiding places where the enemy of… Continue reading The Ugly Side Exposed? Why Is It So Hard?