Originally posted 2018-07-23 15:12:19.
Hi!Have you ever had a dream that was so vivid until it seemed as if it was real? When you had the dream; did you dismiss it as a fluke? Did you wonder if a secret wish triggered the dream? Maybe you attributed it to being the result of what you ate the evening before you went to bed? Yes? No? No? Yes?
Perhaps it was a vision. Especially if you saw yourself in a situation; doing great things that had never crossed your mind. Or had they?
Dreams and Visions
Sometimes details in your moments cause you to think you’ve experienced them before. You might be sitting in a place that’s totally new to you. But; for some strange reason; it feels familiar. Con you relate? I certainly can.
…Earlier this month; as I sat in a workshop serving as a director; ensuring things were going expeditiously; it felt so familiar. After speaking in one of the workshops; on the topic of, “ALTAR WORK MINISTRY;” an uncannily familiar feeling bombarded me. It was my first time ministering in the city where the workshops were held. But; it felt like I had experienced the scenario before. As I interacted with women from across the country; a stanza to a song recorded by Dionne Warrick; popped into my spirit. The catchy lyrics; with a couple of changes; stayed on my mind:
“Deja vu! Could this be the dream that I once knew?”
After the workshops; I sat on the platform during an 11:15 a.m. service. Before the preached word; the feeling that I’d been there before came back with intensity. “Deja Vu,” played in my mind. As I prayed for the speaker and those who would receive the word; I looked out into the masses of people sitting in the audience. The thought of having already experienced that moment came again. I silently prayed, “Lord, what is this?”
God sure answers prayers. He does it in His own way. He will drop periodic memory spurts into your heart; when He chooses. That is why you have to keep your spiritual ears attentive to God’s voice; so that you will hear what He is saying to you. Because; you never know when; or through what means; the Spirit of the Lord will enlighten you; and brighten your day.
…While I sat and listened to preliminaries for the unveiling of a new initiative; one of my co-laborers in the gospel beckoned me to help her. Two ladies and I stood at the rear of the platform; and quietly discussed how we would hand out literature to the leaders on the platform. Suddenly; POW!! It hit me. I heard:
“You’re in it!! You’re walking in the dream you had years ago.”
Those words resonated with me that entire day; and they remained the next day; during the drive home. As the others in the car were talking; and music was playing; I heard a clear voice in my spirit. “Rochelle, remember the dream you had; about being on a platform with women who weren’t in your usual circle? Remember what you heard this time last year; while you sat on a similar platform in a different city? It’s happening now!” …As I pondered those words; a prophecy I received years ago came to mind. The Woman of God spoke into my ear; “WOMAN OF GOD!! The ministry you’re doing now is only a preview of what God has for you to do!”
Wow! Some dreams you have while asleep are actually visions. Sometimes the Lord shows you what is to come. He doesn’t always tell you about the trials and tribulations you must go through to get to the manifestation. But; when you get to your destined place in life; God will give you confirmations of why you went through. It’s all about destiny training.
These sequence of events remind me of Joseph’s dream in Genesis.
Joseph dreamed a dream; of where he would someday be. When the dream came into fruition; the details weren’t exactly like the dream; but the theme was on point. Joseph dreamed, the sheaves his brothers were binding would bow in obeisance to his sheaf (cf. Genesis 37:7). That meant; he would be in a place of authority.
It happened! After going through years of storms; Joseph became a leader in a land that wasn’t familiar. Due to a famine in Joseph’s brothers’ country; they unknowingly had to go to Joseph; and bow before him. Joseph was living the dream he had years ago. He went through some tough times before he got there; but he lived out the dream.
My friend, could it be, that you are in the dream you had a long time ago; or recently? Was your dream tied to something you knowingly wished for; or something you hadn’t thought about? Think about it. You just might be walking through what God placed in your spirit while you were doing something totally different. But; do you believe you’re in it? Is it happening to you NOW?
If your answer is yes; doesn’t it change the way you look at things?
Are you thinking about how you should find your untapped potential, in your current situation? Are you seeing the promises of God shining through your everyday routines and interactions? Are you looking at present challenges differently? Yes? WONDERFUL!
As I finish this post; lyrics to a song by Bishop Paul Morton comes in my spirit, “You ain’t seen your best days yet! The best it yet to come!” …My friend, you and I just might be right in the midst of our best days; with better; yet to come.
Today’s scripture to meditate on: 1 Corinthians 2:9; “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”
Thank you for joining me today! I’ll leave you with this thought: “Are you walking in the dream you had years ago?” We’ll talk soon!