Originally posted 2016-06-07 11:14:30.
Hi!Willing to do what? Isn’t that your first thought when asked, “Are you willing?” Doesn’t this question cause you to wonder? Or does your mind race in different directions when someone poses it to you? Yes? Well, let’s stretch the thought…. What sparks and what drives you to even think about being willing?
Life has a way of presenting a flood of physical, emotional and spiritual bumps and roadblocks; along with challenges to grow. Has anyone ever told you that you don’t know who you are and you were clueless to what they meant? Didn’t their words leave you wondering for days? Have you ever felt like you don’t want to be alone, yet you don’t want to be bothered? That’s such a mixed bag of nuts frame of thought. But it’s real.
I’ve mulled over this question time and again the past couple of months. “Are you willing,” has lingered in my spirit; and has periodically popped up throughout this difficult period. But praise God! I believe the Spirit of the Lord placed this provocative question in me to serve as a nudging agent. It speaks to hidden possibilities that…
Challenge you to…
- Place a microscope on yourself for the sake of others. – When you lead, interact, or serve with people who have self-aggrandizing agendas, are you willing to put your differences aside for the sake of the whole? You might have proven evidence of their out-of-order actions; however, you see the big picture. Are you willing to muzzle your wish to call them out? Are you willing to pray about how to handle rebellious infused situations?
Are you willing to forego letting people know that the only ones they are fooling are themselves? Are you willing to work with and around people so that their ulterior motives won’t hinder everyone involved? How willing are you to postpone advising those you lead, serve or work with of opportunities for improvements; especially when you see their need to prove their capabilities to others? Think about it! Examine yourself! Since you have discerned their childlike need for a platform, why would you want to crush them? Are you willing to look past faults and see true needs?
- Confront your idiosyncrasies and pet peeves to deter them from impeding your progress. – “Are you willing” will show up to rattle your self-imposed cage and push you out of your comfort zone. ..Early one Sunday morning, I received a text from one of our assistant jurisdictional supervisors. She asked if I planned to attend our National Church’s Annual Women’s Leadership Conference on the following Tuesday. I replied, “Yes, I can attend.” This was despite how I felt about the difficulty with physically being able to handle the amount of walking required. Also, the spirit of shyness spoke and said, “You won’t know anyone among those thousands of women.” …Those mental blockers worked in the past; but, not this time. I pressed on and went to the conference. It was an enlightening experience. While waiting on the doors to open,
I found myself talking to women from different states. Once the conference began, someone spoke on the development of the theme. It was very informative, and I took plenty of notes for 15 minutes. But, afterwards, as I sat listening to various women read for nearly 2 hours, “Are you willing,” came heavily into my spirit. One of my learning challenges is to pay attention when people read longer than 20 minutes. Even though there were multiple women reading, I still struggled to listen. It’s easier for me to listen to someone talking from notes or a manuscript; verses monotonous reading. And even with listening to a very informative speech; yawns come after so long. …In an effort to curtail my sleepiness, I started writing on my IPad, thinking about my to-do list and looking at the multiplicity of unique colorful outfits. To make matters worst, “Get up and go home,” rang in my spirit. But “Are you willing to wait and hear your General Supervisor,” overrode impatience. And, praise God; it was worth it. She shared what was on her heart, gave wonderful words of wisdom, and discussed the need for women to pray and serve with sincerity. “Are you willing,” melted my discomfort of being in a crowd and expanded my capacity to learn outside of the familial box. My friends, can you think of situations where, “Are you willing” helped you push pass hindrances and enlarged your borders?
- Allow a part of a soap opera to show you a valuable life nugget. – I recently watched a television show where two recovering alcoholics started a foundation to help people who suffer from substance abuse to live free from addiction. They held a press conference to announce the dedication of a wing to a deceased friend who battled alcoholism. One of the founders mentioned in his speech of how the wing’s namesake was an inspiration to him. He stated that he was going to follow her example and sign himself in as the first patient of the treatment center. Even though this was a fictitious storyline, this man’s open admittance of needing help sparked thought on today’s topic. How willing are you to put yourself out there in front of friends, family, or even the public so that you can help yourself and help others?
- Bounce ideas off reliable thinkers in your circle. – While in a brief conversation on FaceTime with my dear brother who lives overseas, I quietly said, “There’s a question that’s weighing on me. It is, “Are you willing?” With a puzzled look on his face, he replied, “Willing to do what?” I said, “That’s it! The question prompts thought!” He began to give scenarios where the question can apply. …Later that day, I asked my dear sister, his wife, the same question via FaceTime. She frowned and forcefully said, “Willing to do WHAT ROCHELLE?” I laughed and said, “Gotcha!” How willing are you to risk sounding ridiculous to others in your development of test cases for your work, ministry, writings, studies, dilemma resolutions, or goal achievements?
- Think of so much more. – Attach a thought to the end of the question, “Are you willing to _______________________________________?”
How willing are you?
My friends, are you willing to accept challenges in areas where you are comfortable or unknowingly stuck? Are you willing to acknowledge your weaknesses and face your giants? Are you willing to embrace your strengths, gifts and talents? Are you willing to face your faults and allow God to fix you? Are you willing to consider, and sometimes accept opinions and advice of other people? Are you willing to allow God to nurture your gifts and push you to your place of destiny? Are you willing to say, “Yes Lord?” Are you willing to admit that you need Jesus, obey God and do what he wants you to do? Are you willing to launch out into the deep?
Thank you for joining me today. The scripture that’s on my heart today is the book of Isaiah 6. Vs 1 “In the year that King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.” Vs 8 “Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I, send, me.” (KJV)
I’ll leave you with a question: “Are you willing?” What are your thoughts on this topic? Join me in conversation. I’d love to hear from you. We’ll talk soon.