Hi there! It has been months since I posted on Springing Beyond These Walls! But after being quarantined for days due to a positive COVID test, resting, having to miss church two Sundays, and praying for one hundred percent healing, this unfinished writing came to my mind. Praise God! I originally started jotting down thoughts along… Continue reading Is Aging Softening the Pain of Grief, Change and Rejection?
Author: Rochelle L.
Do You Need To Ignore Opinions of Clueless People?
Hi! I know you’re shouting, “Yes!” But, is that entirely the case. I personally think, “Yes and No,” are answers worth considering. Some people offer their opinions about you that are laced with insults. But, you should never own rude expressions people hurl at you. In order to do this, you have to first know… Continue reading Do You Need To Ignore Opinions of Clueless People?
Will A Mother Ever Overcome Pain of Losing Her Only Daughter?
Hi! Five years ago, the morning of June 3, 2014, I woke up with fleeting hope. My son-in-law had dropped my 3 year old grandson off, and went to work. That was our new routine. I took my grandson to pre-school and drove to Providence Park Hospital to see my daughter, Tamika. As I walked… Continue reading Will A Mother Ever Overcome Pain of Losing Her Only Daughter?
Day 34: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Hi! Well! It's Day-34 of the countdown. So far, remembering God's personal promises has gone well. Yet, peeling back layers is a bit tough. Areas in my life where I've settled are being exposed; and that's not the easiest pill to swallow. But, I'm grateful for the discovery. It's like cleaning out a cluttered walk-in… Continue reading Day 34: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Day 35: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Hi! Well! It's day 35 of the countdown. This journey is freeing and filling. I know that statement seems like an oxymoron; but it's real. Have you ever been relieved of junky, cluttered filled situations; while at the same time, you gain new insights? That's what's happening now. It's a great thing. But, how do… Continue reading Day 35: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Day 36: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Hi! Well! It's day 36 of the countdown. The first five days of this journey of focusing on remembering promises has unleashed an unexpected liberation. I didn't realize there were hidden areas of bondage. Discovering promises. and finding peace in this shackle exposing trip is wonderful. It puts me in the mind of a personal… Continue reading Day 36: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Day 37: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Hi! Well it's Day 37 of the countdown. When I posted yesterday's post, I had total optimism. Then an hour later, I found out the dear sister we were praying for, made her transition hours before I wrote the post. What a bummer. That news punched me in my stomach. We wanted God to heal her;… Continue reading Day 37: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Why is it Important To Be Confident and Joyful?
Hi! How many times have you heard the old idiom, “Misery loves company?” I have found it to be more than a cliche. One might say that there is much accuracy in that commonly used phrase. Some emotionally distressed people take pleasure in seeing others’ forlorn. Why? Why do people love to see others in… Continue reading Why is it Important To Be Confident and Joyful?
Day 38: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Hi! Well it's day 38 of the countdown It has mixed emotions and new epiphanies in it. Remembering God's personal promises is so needed. Especially yesterday. When I woke up yesterday morning, anxiety hit me hard. Has that ever happened to you? Have you ever experienced extreme uneasiness when you first woke up? Did it… Continue reading Day 38: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
What Unexpected Umbrellas Give You Peace in the Storms?
Hi! Sometimes our troubles flood in so profusely; until we find ourselves in a faith waning stupor. When you’ve been through one storm after another; it gnaws at your hope. If you’re not careful; life’s trials will chip away at what you believed two, five, seven, or ten years ago. Yet; no matter how torrential… Continue reading What Unexpected Umbrellas Give You Peace in the Storms?