Hi! Have you ever wondered why people cry during happy occasions? How can people laugh and cry at the same time? Could it be that they have experienced so much turmoil, until the occasion brings a spurt of relief? Could it be that they finally received what their heart dreamed of? Could it be that they are… Continue reading Can Joy And Pain Coexist?
Author: Rochelle L.
Do You Know Your Why?
Hi, I recently heard someone talk about the 'why' of a situation and the question came into my spirit, "What is your why?" Why can begin multiple questions for different people. ...Why do you like what you like? Why do you do what you do? Why do you love to read? Why do you walk… Continue reading Do You Know Your Why?
Is Letting Go Quitting?
Hi! Have you ever held on to a disagreement, an argument, a relationship, a ministry assignment, a business venture, a career path, a home or a job when clearly the Lord has told you time and again that it is time to let it go? So what do you do? How do you get past the warfare that speaks to… Continue reading Is Letting Go Quitting?
Restoration Is In Process! Can You See It in the Midst?
Hi! How often do you become impatient about the length of time that it takes for what you're waiting on to come to past? Are you waiting on that project to come to completion? Are you in the infant stages of that business venture or ministry assignment and the frustration of small beginnings is ever… Continue reading Restoration Is In Process! Can You See It in the Midst?
How Do Comfort Zones Become Uncomfortable?
Hi! How important is comfort to you? Is it a present priority? Or are you busy thriving and surviving, and you rarely think about comfort at all? Is your daily schedule so full until, at the end of each day, you fall asleep with tomorrow's agenda on your mind? Why do you push yourself into… Continue reading How Do Comfort Zones Become Uncomfortable?
Day 13: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Hi! Well! It's countdown Day-13. The words on my heart today are, "compliments," and "appreciation." I guess you're wondering why? Stay with me. Let's work through some questions. How often do you receive compliments? Does it matter, if you receive them or not? Could you possibly be in denial, if you said, "I could care… Continue reading Day 13: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
What Do You Do When New Is Calling You?
Hi! Do you ever feel as if there is more than this? Have you ever felt like there is something new that you want to do, but you really don't know what it is? Have you ever been oblivious to what's causing your uneasiness? All you know is that something is bothering you? Do you keep… Continue reading What Do You Do When New Is Calling You?
Who Is Your Crew?
Hi! Do you have a crew? Or, do you need a crew? Some might say, "No! A crew is not necessary." But I beg the differ. I think we all need a crew. Even if it's just you and one other person, That's a crew. The question of needing a crew reminds me of the… Continue reading Who Is Your Crew?
Where Are You Going?
Hi! Do you ever find random words or phrases popping up in your mind repeatedly? What do you do? Are you so busy until you forget about the words until they come across your mind again? That's what most of us do. We dismiss those passing thoughts. Especially when we have so many things to think about. … Continue reading Where Are You Going?
Are You Ready For The Unexpected?
Hi! How do you prepare for something that you are clueless about? And why should you? Preparation is closely related to anticipation. And anticipating usually ties to something you are expecting. Expectation begins because of multiple reasons. You may have prayed about something, and you are looking for your prayers to come to past. Your… Continue reading Are You Ready For The Unexpected?