Hi! Are you easy to love? Stop!! What was your first thought? Was it a short answer, such as; "Yes, I am" or "No, I am not easy to love?" Or did you say, "I know I can be difficult," or "It depends upon the other person." Perhaps you said, "Who cares?" Or did scenarios… Continue reading Are You Easy To Love?
Author: Rochelle L.
Is Accepting Better Than Understanding?
Hi! Have you ever searched repeatedly for answers to questions that you have; and you found that the answers just did not come? Have you ever experienced situations that bombarded your thoughts, and to this day you yet wonder, "Why did these thing happen?" Or " What is the purpose?" Think about it. ...What reactions would you… Continue reading Is Accepting Better Than Understanding?
If Your Life Was A Book, How Would It Read?
Hi! If people who you have interacted with likened your life to a book, what would they note? What would capture the attention of the majority of persons reading the book of your life through experiencing you? If your life was a book, would it be an easy or difficult read? Would it be adventurous,… Continue reading If Your Life Was A Book, How Would It Read?
Day 16: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Hi! Well! It is Day-16 of the countdown. Have you ever woke up smiling? I guess you're saying, "Duh! Good dreams make you smile! Waking up next to the one you love makes you smile! Everything is going honky dory makes you smile!" But what about when you wake up, and can't remember your dream… Continue reading Day 16: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Are Your Dreams Speaking Louder Than Your Busy Days
Hi! Long time, no write. Or should I say, "Long time, no reading 'Springing Beyond These Walls?'" No! I will just say, "It is nice to spend time with you again in this blog space. It has been four months since I posted on "Springing Beyond These Walls." Why? A lot has been going on… Continue reading Are Your Dreams Speaking Louder Than Your Busy Days
How Many Confirmations Do You Need?
Hi! How many ways do you have to see with your own eyes before you believe that someone is for you or against you? What does it take for you to come to grips with the realization that someone IS NOT your friend, and that they are secretly jealous of you? How many times does… Continue reading How Many Confirmations Do You Need?
Where Is Your Wealthy Place?
Hi! Has anyone ever told you that they were on the brink of entering into a wealthy place right after they experienced a major blow? Was their excitement so compelling until they could have convinced the most pessimistic doubting Thomas? What did you think? Did you share their anticipation? Or did you relegate their glee… Continue reading Where Is Your Wealthy Place?
Are Your Life And Ministry Choices More Than Just Because? …Go Forward!
Hi! Do you agree that when people make decisions to do ministry or make life choices, their reasons are 'More than just because?' A friend and I had a conversation about my upcoming weekly Bible Study, “Walking Through the Word with Rochelle." I mentioned that 'Coming Soon,' on the Bible Study Lesson/Blog Page and 'Subscribe… Continue reading Are Your Life And Ministry Choices More Than Just Because? …Go Forward!
How Many Ways Can You Grasp Merriness?
Hi, This is the time of year when joy should reign throughout the land. Joy should especially fill those of us who love Jesus. Because, even though we celebrate Christ all year, this is that time set aside to celebrate our savior's birth. But unfortunately, the commercialization of Christmas has caused many of us to… Continue reading How Many Ways Can You Grasp Merriness?
How Does Guilt Join Other Emotions To Be Hindrances To Your Happiness?
Hi! Wow! It has been over four months since I took a hiatus from posting on SBTW. I did not realize how much I missed writing on this site until I typed today’s post. It is a great feeling. Let’s get started. Have you ever felt guilty about something? If so, how did it make… Continue reading How Does Guilt Join Other Emotions To Be Hindrances To Your Happiness?