Hi! Are you enjoying the journey? This question really makes me stop and think. The answer isn't as cut and dry as saying, "Yes," or "No." Because the type of response varies from day-to-day. One reply depends upon if the question refers to life in general. Another is centered around each chunk of experiences. For… Continue reading Are You Enjoying The Journey?
Author: Rochelle L.
“Day 40: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?”
Hi! Today is the first day of my 40-day count down to remember God's promises to me. This is a journey birthed out of my conversation with a precious young lady. She strategically used her ability to ask compelling questions to get me to talk. And it worked. At the end of this… Continue reading “Day 40: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?”
Part V – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”
Hi! Everyone has good, wonderful, and peaceful seasons in their lives. Some more often than others. To the contrary, many people's lives are filled with recurring storms. ....Can you relate to either of these scenarios? If so; which one? Perhaps you've had continual seasons of turmoil, loss and disappointments. Did the constant downers cause you… Continue reading Part V – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”
Part IV – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”
Hi! Have you ever taken a retrospective look at something you've walked through and thought, "Wow, I don't know how I made it through that? I know it was nothing but the Lord." With that; have you wondered what actions did the Lord orchestrate for you to take, so you wouldn't go cuckoo? What did… Continue reading Part IV – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”
Do You Know What You Really Want? …Why?
Hi! When someone asks you what you want, does your first thought gear towards what you don't want? Why? Why is it so easy to say, "I don't want this type of job, I don't want this type of person, I don't want that type of hairstyle or haircut? I don't want this and I… Continue reading Do You Know What You Really Want? …Why?
How Many Invisible Walls Hinder Your Progress?
Hi! Have you ever wondered why so many of us have multiple false starts? We write pages of ideas, goals, and plans to reach them. Yet we seem to have difficulty taking the first step in making the vision happen. Why? Why do we just think about great ideas that can usher us into another place in life?… Continue reading How Many Invisible Walls Hinder Your Progress?
When Will You Use What You Got?
Hi! How often have you felt out-of-place? Those oddball feelings will hit you anywhere. You might be in a business meeting; where you have thoughts that you don't belong. Perhaps you're in a college classroom, or sitting on a church pew. Suddenly you start feeling as if you're lost in space. Maybe you are at… Continue reading When Will You Use What You Got?
Does Your Greatness Spark the Hidden Winner in People?
Hi! Do you see your greatness? Yes; yours!! If you don't think of yourself as having greatness; think again. Because; you do! So, own it! Maybe you're saying, "How can I own what I don't see in myself? I'm just being who I am. Me!" It's easy! First, you need to pray that all self-defeating… Continue reading Does Your Greatness Spark the Hidden Winner in People?
Who Did It For You?
Hi! Do you remember the catch-all phrase, "That did it!" Do you usually follow that statement with, "I can't take it anymore," or, "I've had enough?" When someone expresses those two thoughts, it is only natural to wonder, what happened or who did what. But the question, "Who did it for you," is different? It usually takes your… Continue reading Who Did It For You?
Do You Know How To Set Your Sails For Success?
Hi there! Does the title of today's post cause you to go, "hmmmm?" Or does it stir multiple thoughts? That's great! I asked my oldest son, Justin, "Do you know how to set your sails for success?" He initially downplayed my question as if it made no sense. But, the next day, he sent me… Continue reading Do You Know How To Set Your Sails For Success?