Part III – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”

Hi! Did you read Parts I and II of this series?  Yes?   Did they spark something in you; and you decided to take a trip down memory lane to do a self-reflection?  Did you discover some traits about yourself that you didn't realize were there? Perhaps you uncovered your ability to push on no… Continue reading Part III – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”

Part II – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”

Hi! Did you read Part I?  If not, please read it, so you can have a better understanding of where we're going with this writing.  If you read Part I, great!  ...Did it cause you to think about difficult situations that you've lived through?  Do you see how the Lord was with you even when you… Continue reading Part II – “Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?”

Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?

Hi! What keeps you during the worst times of your life?  How do you continue on when faced with jaw dropping circumstances?  Is it prayer alone?  Is it prayer, reading and believing the Holy Scriptures?  Yes?  Perhaps it's prayer, standing on God's Word, and journalling?  I guess you are saying, "journalling?"  Yes, journalling!   If… Continue reading Can You See Your Strength During Your Toughest Moments?

Is A Big Deal Really A Big Deal?

Hi! Have you ever had a pressing dilemma that you talked to someone about; and they brushed off your words, and said, "It's not that serious?"  Or perhaps you were super excited about something new happening in your life, and the person you told shrugged it off with a, "So what?"  How did their dismissal… Continue reading Is A Big Deal Really A Big Deal?

How Contagious Are You?

Hi! Have you ever been near a person that is coughing, sniffling, or constantly sneezing?  You may have sat at a dinner table, at a conference, or stood on an elevator with that person.  When this happens, what's the first thing that you do?  Or what's your first thought?  Most of us get away from them… Continue reading How Contagious Are You?

What Are You Looking Forward To?

Hi! Have you ever experienced great feats, you're happy about reaching goals; and all of a sudden you become frustrated?  Oh yes, you may have finally landed that job, bought that car, finalized on that mortgage, started that business, received that far-reaching ministry assignment, landed that multi-million dollar deal or even entered into a promising… Continue reading What Are You Looking Forward To?

Where In The World Is Your There?

Hi! Do you ever feel unfulfilled; while there are so many new things happening in your life?  Have you ever wondered, "What am I searching for?  What do I need?  Where is this continuous longing coming from?"   Have you ever successfully reached goals that you set?  Yet once you accomplished those goals, you experienced… Continue reading Where In The World Is Your There?

When Will You Finish What You Started?

Hi! How many false starts have you had?  I know you're wondering, "What is this girl talking about now?  What's a false start?" Well, it's easier to explain by describing a few. Let's say, you contemplated going back to school to get that first, second, or third degree.  For the first few weeks or months,… Continue reading When Will You Finish What You Started?

How Thin is the Line Between Your Purpose and Your Personal Ambition?

Hi! There was a song out years ago that said, "It's a thin line between love and hate."  That statement sounds convincing.  But is what it says; always the case?  If so; should it be?  A thin line between two things or feelings, intimates that it's easy to go from one side of a line… Continue reading How Thin is the Line Between Your Purpose and Your Personal Ambition?

Do You Decide Easily or With Difficulty?

Hi! Have you ever sat at a table in a restaurant peering at the menu, trying to decide what to order?  Are there so many options until you have difficulty choosing?  After all, you like many of the dishes.  What do you do?  How much indecisiveness comes before you make a choice?  Usually when it's a… Continue reading Do You Decide Easily or With Difficulty?