Hi! Are you living or existing? You can look at this question from different perspectives. Don't you think it depends upon how you view living; and how you view existing? If that is the case; differences in ages, backgrounds, education; and ethnicities play an important role in answering this question. Yet, the question remains, "Are… Continue reading Are You Living or Existing?
Author: Rochelle L.
Are You Prepared To Be Introduced To The Best You?
Hi! Are you open to seeing yourself as a stranger to yourself? Most of us would answer this question with, “What? I know me! I’m acquainted with every aspect of me!” But, are you? Do you really know all of you, or your best you? If so, is it safe to say that you… Continue reading Are You Prepared To Be Introduced To The Best You?
Where Are You Growing?
Hi! Recently, I had an epiphany. The situation might seem trivial to you. But here it is.... Has God ever used your being ostracized and rejected to open your eyes? Sometimes that is exactly what it takes for you to realize the true cause of your frustration. Suppose you found out, after the fact, of… Continue reading Where Are You Growing?
Day 1: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Hi! Well! It is Countdown Day-1. The last day of this adventurous 40-day journey is finally here. I was expecting to have a thunderous celebration. You know; the kind with fireworks, balloons, and. streamers. Not literally; but, in the spirit. But, how can that happen when puzzlement is punching holes in the balloons? It's clouding… Continue reading Day 1: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?
Are You Walking In Your Own Shoes?
Hi! Have you ever watched someone sing, dance, teach, sing, preach, lead, orate, start a business or ministry venture, or develop a project on the job and it inspired you to do something similar? Have you ever read a book, listened to a song, saw a writing, or heard a message and it sparked an idea… Continue reading Are You Walking In Your Own Shoes?
Who’s Pushing You?
Hi! Are you afraid to expand? Do you dream of success; but the very thought of what comes along with success frightens you? When it comes to putting yourself out there and allowing people to see your work or product; do you have apprehensions; even though what you are doing is not about you? Do you… Continue reading Who’s Pushing You?
Why Haven’t You Thrown In The Towel?
Hi! How many times have you said, "I quit;" but you kept going? How often has it seemed as though you've reached your wit's end; but a new start springs up in you? How many times have you told yourself that what you are believing God for is hopeless? But, despite the frustration, you keep… Continue reading Why Haven’t You Thrown In The Towel?
Do You See A Revival of Your Thanks?
Hi! Have you ever been so appreciative until it brought tears to your eyes? That is how I felt the day after Thanksgiving this year. Thursday, 2019 was the best Thanksgiving I have had since 2013. At first, I wondered, ‘Why?’ But, after much reflection, now I get it. I no longer feel sorry for… Continue reading Do You See A Revival of Your Thanks?
When Are You At Your Best?
Hi! Stop! Before you answer that question, let's start with, "Do you even know when you are at your best?" Perhaps you're saying, "I haven't thought about it" If that's the case; why haven't you? Don't you think it's good to know when you're in your element? If you have discovered when you're at your… Continue reading When Are You At Your Best?
How Bad Do You Want It?
Hi! Is your first thought to this question, "What is IT?" After all, "IT" can be anything. Yes it can. So let's replace "IT" with a thing, place, status, emotion, action, person, or position that you want. After all, the question is, "How bad do you want it?" How bad do you want a prosperous… Continue reading How Bad Do You Want It?