Open The Door! …..Please!

Hi! Today's post is from a tract that I wrote last year.  This is slightly different from our Monday and Thursday talks...... Open the Door! ….Please! Have you ever heard the door bell ring or someone knocked at the door and you did not answer?  It may have been a meter reader, an annoying salesperson,… Continue reading Open The Door! …..Please!

Do You Know What Season You Are In?

Hi! Life is cyclical.  As long as we live, every one of us will journey through diverse seasons. There are seasons of snow, rain, sunshine, heat, drought, overflow, day, night and many more. In order for us to live victoriously, we must recognize the season that we are in. However, some of us don't always find… Continue reading Do You Know What Season You Are In?

Are You Willing?

Hi! Willing to do what?  Isn't that your first thought when asked, "Are you willing?"  Doesn't this question cause you to wonder?  Or does your mind race in different directions when someone poses it to you?  Yes?  Well, let's stretch the thought.... What sparks and what drives you to even think about being willing? Life!… Continue reading Are You Willing?

What Mindset Do You Need To Be Happy Today?

Hi! Wow!  It has been two months since I last posted on this blog.  Where was I?  I guess you’re wondering, if I was experiencing writer’s block.  I don’t think so!  It’s safe to say, “The delay wasn’t caused by a brain freeze.” Well, then; what was the reason for the time lag?  Had I… Continue reading What Mindset Do You Need To Be Happy Today?

Don’t You Think It’s Time?

Hi! What is your first thought when asked, "Don't you think it's time?"  Do you automatically think, "Time for what?"  Or perhaps your thought is, "What are you getting at?"  These are not unusual reactions.  Because, the question, "Don't you think it's time," can send your mind racing in multiple directions.  Some of us start… Continue reading Don’t You Think It’s Time?

The Ugly Side Exposed? Why Is It So Hard?

Hi! It's rare to find someone who enjoys discovering the side of them that's not pretty.  And I don't mean when you're posing for a photo.  ...Most of us feel some kind of way when the ugly side of us is exposed.  And, yes, we all have them. When the hiding places where the enemy of… Continue reading The Ugly Side Exposed? Why Is It So Hard?

If Asked To Describe Yourself, What Would You Say?

Hi! Do you find it easier to describe others; than it is to describe yourself?  Why is that so?   Or if you are asked to depict who you are; would you hesitate to give an answer?  Would your response lean towards a negative picture of you?  Why?  Why do overweight people zoom in on… Continue reading If Asked To Describe Yourself, What Would You Say?

Have You Found Your Niche?

Hi! Do you know anyone that has partial skills in multiple areas, but has no efficiency in any of the areas?   But for some reason, this person believes they are highly capable in all of their claimed fields?  They might be great in one thing, but are so busy doing so much until no… Continue reading Have You Found Your Niche?

3 Negatives That Push You To Expand

Hi! We often view the negative occurrences in our lives as only hindrances.  But if we look deeper into what happens and listen to the voice of the Lord, He will show us how purpose is hidden within negative experiences.  Initially these negative experiences do not look good.  Yet in the stages surrounding the bad encounters,… Continue reading 3 Negatives That Push You To Expand

Do You Really Know You? …What are Your 4 Dominant Characteristics?

Hi! What is one word that best describes your most dominant characteristic?  What would it be with two, three or four words?   Before you continue reading, STOP!  And think about the questions!   Stay with me.  This is not a test...... Now, how quickly did the descriptive words of you by you come to your mind?  Was… Continue reading Do You Really Know You? …What are Your 4 Dominant Characteristics?