Originally posted 2017-07-12 16:12:54.
Well it’s Day 37 of the countdown. When I posted yesterday’s post, I had total optimism. Then an hour later, I found out the dear sister we were praying for, made her transition hours before I wrote the post. What a bummer. That news punched me in my stomach. We wanted God to heal her; and He did; just not the way we wanted Him to. He took her on to be with Him. Despite sad news; don’t you agree that we still must press to remember God’s personal promises?
Let’s continue the journey. But, first, can I be real with you?
Have you ever been so full of pain and disappointment, until tears just won’t fall? That’s where I am. My eyes are totally dry; but, I feel tears in my heart. Right now remembering God’s personal promises is so foggy. All I can say is womp womp. It feels like someone has stuck a pin in my balloon of hope, and all the air is seeping out. Lord please help. Please!
I hurt for my dear sister’s son, mother, sisters, brothers, nieces, and other relatives. Feeling their pain reminds me of my reality; and my pain. I miss my daughter, my parents, and my three siblings.
One thing stuck out as I sat at the grieving family’s mother’s house. They have multiple siblings and children. They are a village. They are all blessed to have each other. I pray they realize that, in the midst of their grief. Praise God!
So what in this situation, will help me remember God’s personal promises?
I looked at one of her sisters; my dear friend; and said, “Perhaps you should go quiet yourself and process the reality of this situation.” She said, “I’m well aware of what’s going on. But I’m going to the hotel to rest.” That was her way of saying, “You’re right,” without saying it. Her grief doesn’t override her stubbornness. But that’s okay. She has every right to be herself. She just lost her sister. …We all hugged and said our goodbyes.
Our interaction reminded me of what God spoke to me during my early grieving of my daughter. God said, “Rochelle you will help others who grieve.” At the time, I didn’t want to hear it. I didn’t want to help anyone. My question was, “Why do I have to experience such pain, just to help others?” But now, I see the relevance of what God told me.”
Now I understand. Serving God and helping His people, centers my life. So here I was, around loved ones, dear to my heart, who were grieving. My place there was to pray, listen, be strong, and comfort. It taught me something. All of God’s personal promises aren’t filled with glee.
Today, as I write; it’s thundering, and raining. The clouds are dark. It’s only 12:30 p.m. But it looks like it’s close to 9:00 in the evening. Normally, this type of weather brings gloom. But not today. It’s causing memories to press through the darkness. As the thunder’s rumble moves across the sky; thoughts move across my mind. What is it Lord?
A thought popped out of the darkness. “Go through an old journal. Perhaps you will run across an old personal promise from God.”
In one of the journals, I read a question from over eight years ago. It states, “Why am I going through this, dear Lord? Why?” Then it reads, “My note: Thus saith the Lord, ‘Rochelle, you didn’t get that Bachelors degree in accounting for nothing. You will teach at a college. You will complete your Master’s of Divinity and teach Biblical Studies. Keep going. Keep pressing. Life has not just passed you by. The price you’ve paid to succeed will manifest in your latter days. They shall be greater.'”
Wow! I’m living some of God’s personal promises now. The extreme depression I experienced eight years ago is no longer a driving force in my thoughts. Other promises have also materialized; and now, I look forward to more promises coming to pass. Praise God!
My friends; let me ask you some questions.
Do you agree that; sometimes we don’t want to think of God’s personal promises to us? Especially, if you’ve waited a long time? Why? Maybe, when you expect promises to happen, it sets you up for potential pain and disappointment. Perhaps, that’s why you file promises away.
When you think of them, does hurt come? Does frustration come? What about doubt, turmoil, and lack of faith? Are promise detractors due to the delay in the manifestation of God’s personal promises? If so, what do you do?
Dump the negative promise blockers!
Grab hold of hope. Believe God. Stretch yourself. Expect again. Dream again. Search yourself. Take time to pray and seek God to show you what He has already promised you. Call on the name of Jesus. Start thanking God for His promises.
Wow! It’s almost 4:00 p.m. The sun is starting to shine through the clouds. Thinking about Psalm 30:5, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”
My friends, thank you for joining me today. I look forward to countdown day 36. I’m so ready to continue to: Bloom! Expand! Discover! Experience! I believe God is going to uncover hidden promises. What about you? “How do you remember God’s personal promises?”
Again, thanks! We’ll talk soon.