Originally posted 2017-09-08 12:34:47.
Hi!Well it is Countdown Day-5! Did God give you a dream at a young age that has stayed alive your entire life? Sometimes we get frustrated with how our lives are going. Not that things are bad. We just feel as though something is missing.
Have you ever felt that way? Some people call that, “Never satisfied.” But is that the case? Could it be, the dream is pulling at you; trying to get you to give birth?
You might feel like a failure; or you feel as if God failed you. But, hold on! Look again! Dig deeper! You might have experienced portions of your dream. Keep going! Don’t give up! Things will turn around.
Perhaps your dream is in motion now.
A few days ago, a nice gentleman who I knew in elementary school tagged me on a Facebook post. The post had a YouTube video, with someone singing, “It’s turning around for me.” Wow! That was so timely. Thank you DLB.
Later, that same day, I listened to someone live on Facebook. Though, he was addressing lyricists and Psalmists; that word applied to all who minister. He said, “If God can’t get the glory out of what we do; what good are we to God?”
That really touched me. I found myself praying, “Lord please get the glory out of my life; and in the various ministry venues I serve in.” So, now, the question is:
“Why do you do what you do?”
I’ll start with this blog. The purpose from the beginning has been to help readers spring beyond walls. The goals are in the mission statement.
As I listened to the above mentioned Facebook post; I heard the Spirit of the Lord say: “Rochelle! No longer will you check stats, six or seven times a day. Get your mind off; how many people read your posts. That’s a distraction from the intent. Don’t forget you want readers to ‘Bloom, Expand, Discover and Experience.’ Get your mind off numbers.”
I must first say to the Lord, “Lord forgive me for getting off track.” Now to you my friends; “Forgive me for straying away from using this forum to give God glory. Even though I’ve written what has been on my heart; I let numbers or lack of numbers disappoint me. A disappointed person is bound by hurt; anger; and sorrow.
Now, the dissatisfaction is gone. I’m focused thoroughly on “Springing Beyond These Walls.” Praise God! Wow! The blog’s name is happening in me. Walls are breaking; NOW!
Let us get back to Countdown Day-5.
I’m so ready to experience a turn around. Guess what? It’s happening now. When you no longer care what people say about you; you’re in the midst of a turnaround. When you no longer become upset over the trivial stuff; it’s happening now. When you set goals and take the necessary steps to enlarge your territory; it’s happening now.
But, why do you have such difficulty seeing what God is doing in your life?
Is it due to the frivolous distractions? Is it a defeated mindset? Is it that you compare yourself with others? Why?
Think about it. Take time and revisit your life-long dream; or dreams. Write them down. Pray about your incremental accomplishments. Check each one-off on your list. Celebrate!
For example: As a girl, I wanted to become a doctor; to find the cure for Sickle Cell Anemia. I also wanted a college education. When I went away to a college; the counselor told me I didn’t have what it took to be a medical doctor. It didn’t matter that I had a 3.95 G.P.A.; and scholarships to 4 different colleges. He still didn’t think I had it in me.
I went back home, feeling defeated; and never told my mother.
Some years later, through the advice of one of my friends; I enrolled in a university and obtained a Bachelors in Accounting. But, the feeling of discontent remained. It didn’t matter that I had multiple clients; and completed their personal and corporate taxes. Even though I also used my degree in the corporate arena; Accounting began to bore me. I still had a sense of failure. My lifelong dream was pulling at me.
The dream’s incremental fulfilment stayed in motion.
Sometimes our unrest can generate from our pull from God. I’ve searched the scriptures since a child. I’ve questioned the validity of the science books’ theory of evolution since childhood. Now I realize, that was the wish to research budding in me.
When I surrendered to the summons of God to serve Him; satisfaction started inching in. When I answered the call of God to walk as an evangelist; I felt a greater sense of fulfillment. But, the pull remained.
Studying for the Masters of Divinity plugged some more gaps. The lifelong dream of earning college degrees came true. Wow! Thank you Jesus. Freedom from discontent is knocking; NOW!
A wonderful revelation is here. A clear understanding of a lifelong dream has arrived.
Today, as I write these words, it’s coming to me. I hear, “Rochelle, when you were a child, and wanted to become a medical doctor; it was to find a cure for Sickle Cell Anemia. Think about it. You didn’t want to practice medicine. You wanted to research. Your dream to research started being fulfilled when you enrolled in Ashland Theological Seminary. You wanted to learn more about God. You love the Word of God.
Some of your classes really tapped into your dream. Your Evangelism; Study of the Sanhedrin Court; History of the Bible; and Book of Revelation classes unleashed your ability to research. Intense study of the Word and more intense prayer; opened so many spiritual doors. They tapped into your hunger to know God; and walk in your purpose. You’re in it Rochelle! Walk in it.” Thank you Holy Spirit!
There’s a song in my spirit:
“I’m free, praise the Lord, I’m free. No longer bound. No more chains holding me. My soul is resting. It’s such a blessing. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah I’m free.”
This journey is awesome. So many layers peeled back. Remembering so many of God’s personal promises. I’m looking forward to Countdown Day-4!
Thank you Jesus, for this countdown. I have so much appreciation today. God has placed many, many people in my life to help me get to this point. I’m truly thankful for each and every one of them.
My friends, THANK YOU for joining me today. I’ll leave you with a question. “How do YOU remember God’s personal promises to YOU?” We will talk soon.