Originally posted 2017-09-05 10:44:18.

Well! It is Countdown Day-7! We’re down to the wire. I’m glad Kierra made the suggestion that I do a 40-day countdown to peel back layers. When it started, I had no clue of what I’d face, or discover.
Even though, the time between some of the countdown days were 6 or more days; this has still been a beneficial journey. The main benefit is that I uncovered invisible strongholds; and discovered hidden strengths. Praise God!
The words on my heart this morning are: “Prayer,” “Praise,” and “Study.”
When was the last time you studied the Bible? Do you realize how necessary it is to read the Word of God? How can the Word be a lamp unto your feet; and a light unto your pathway; if you havent studied it? How can you show yourself approved unto God; and be a workman that need not be ashamed; if you haven’t studied God’s Word? Not just read; but an in-depth study to live.
Do you believe the Word of God is an offensive weapon; and your roadmap for life?
Don’t forget what the Bible says: “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12 KJV)
I must admit. Lately, I have been lackadaisical in study of the Word. That’s why little insignificant things; like people falsely accusing me has bothered me so. That’s why my faith has waned. Lord, please forgive me.
I must hide your Word in my heart; that I might not sin against you dear Lord. Because, I believe the Holy Scripture: “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
Hebrews 11:6 KJV
Prayer is so needed.
When was the last time you prayed? Do you believe God answers prayers? Do you believe God will answer YOUR prayers?
Sunday afternoon; while members of our church were at a church in Mansfield, Ohio; tears flowed. Bishop preached from Exodus 32:26. The sermon’s title was: “Who is on the Lord’s side?” The message really touched my heart.
As I heard the Word; “I’m tired,” came in my spirit. “Lord, please, help me. I’m on your side. I love you Lord. But, I feel like I’m disappointing you. Do you love me Lord? Why so much pain Lord? Why so much opposition? I’m hated without a cause. Please forgive me for all I’ve ever done wrong. Please Lord.” The tears just flowed, and flowed.
The storms of life will drive you to your knees. Though, my Bible study has been light; my prayer life has increased. I’ve prayed more fervently throughout the day, during the last month or so.
Today; at 8:30 am, I dialed into the Tuesday morning prayer call with my cousin, Belinda in St. Louis. She does this for her church and people in general. It really blessed me. Heres a part of Belinda’s prayer:
“Let it go!” Past hurt. Present hurt. “Let God! He knows! He sees! He knows how to put things back together again. The broken pieces. Let God do what needs to be done. Give it to Him He’s waiting patiently on you. Help Lord! Help us Jesus! He loves. He loves. He loves you with that everlasting love. He loves you. Thank you Father. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you for waking us up this morning. I shall rejoice in this day that you have made. Glory hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! Lord we haven’t given up on you. Let your praises continue to be in our mouths. Help us to think on the goodness of Jesus, and all He has done for us. You’re my true love Jesus. Nobody like you. Nobody can take your place. Jesus! His love never fails. Wherever you are; He knows. He cares. Come! Come! Come! He’s waiting for you to talk with Him. Just a little talk with Jesus! He wants to make everything alright. Yes Lord!”
Praise is essential.
There’s a song in my spirit today. Though, I may have some of the writer’s lyrics wrong; I’m singing it now. It goes….
“I’m so glad, Jesus lifted me. I’m so glad, Jesus lifted me. I’m so glad, Jesus lifted me. Singing glory hallelujah, Jesus lifted me. When I’m in trouble; Jesus lifted me. When I’m in trouble; Jesus lifted me. When I was in trouble; Jesus lifted me. Singing glory hallelujah; Jesus lifted me. Sin had me bound; Jesus lifted me. Sin had me bound; Jesus lifted me. Satan had me bound; but Jesus lifted me. Singing glory hallelujah; Jesus lifted me. Out of sin and shame; Jesus lifted me. Out of sin and shame; Jesus lifted me. Out of sin and shame; Jesus lifted me. Singing glory hallelujah; Jesus lifted me.”
My friends, what about you? Do you study the Word of God? Do you pray regularly? Do you praise God often? I believe all three are essential, everyday; to help us remember God’s personal promises.
Another song writer pinned; “What a mighty God we serve!” I certainly agree. God, almighty has lifted me out of a horrible pit. Thank you Lord for this countdown. I’m looking forward to Countdown Day-6.
Thank you for joining me today. We’ll talk soon.