Originally posted 2017-10-23 12:12:46.
Hi!How many people do you know, who are on their jobs strictly for the money? There are many who like their pay; yet they don’t like their job. There are others who would care less about what they earn. They just love what they do.
What about you? Do you like your job? Yes? Let’s take it a step further. Do you love your job? Yes? That’s great. If you don’t; the question is: “Why not?”
Does money have to always be the nucleus of success?
We often assume; people who have lucrative incomes, automatically love what they do. But that’s not always the case. Some people have what we call; “The dream job.” Yet; for others; their day-to-day employment is an utter nightmare.
Years ago, a nice gentleman on my job, whom I reported to; came into my cubicle. He was an executive who earned six figures a year. The conversation started with us strategizing business forecasts; and projecting completion dates. We were making progress. Then came the real reason he dropped by. He literally poured his heart out.
First, he mentioned church and God. Then he talked about his frustrations with his career choice. The money was unimportant to him. Yet, being an executive in the corporate world was not what he wanted. His heart’s desire was to work in carpentry. But, he couldn’t just quit; because, his priority was to take care of his wife and children. He loved supporting his family. He loved status; yet he didn’t love his means of income.
Some people might think this man was crazy; or unappreciative. That’s because, they base their happiness solely upon the size of their pay checks. Others may associate having multiple people reporting to them as the pinnacle of success. But this intelligent, highly educated man’s candid thoughts shined the light on his wounded heart. You never know who is secretly suffering in the midst of effectively utilizing areas of their genius. Think about it.
We read stories all the time where famous people deal with depression. They get accolades everywhere they go. They’re known all over the world. Yet they’re miserable.
Some millionaires are unhappy. On the other hand; there are toll booth operators who joyfully look forward to going to work everyday. Their pay is low; but they love what they do.
Do you do what you love to do?
When I worked in the corporate arena; I attended a lot of “high-level” meetings. Most of them were very vexing. We had, what some call, “Big Shots” in the meetings. The “Big Shots” consisted of those who were in upper management. Since, I was in lower management; some of the clueless “Big Shots” considered me as a resident peon in the meeting. Even though, I had more college education than most of the attendees; they didn’t care. They defined their status based upon their job titles.
So many people base who they are on titles.
The other day, I looked at one of my journals from 2007. At the time of the writing, I was still on my job. I had typed in it: “I no longer have a need to escalate to the “Big Shot, High Level” game. It is more important for me to be in the trenches, working with those who do the work; helping them climb to another level to reach their purpose.”
Wow! Those thoughts from ten years ago speak volumes today. Titles still mean nothing to me. My focus is on completing the PhD; not so someone can call me doctor. I want to teach Biblical courses at the university level; and at a Seminary or Bible College. Why?? Not to boost my ego. It’s simply because I love to teach.
But; though I love teaching what I’ve learned; I love teaching and helping those who are hungry for knowledge. I love discussing the Word of God with fellow (seasoned and budding) theologians. It’s different teaching persons who want to know more about God; than those who want to gain notoriety. Academia on the teaching side is it for me.
But, what about the trenches?
Have you ever dealt with people who constantly disrespect your knowledge? You spend countless hours studying and preparing lessons to help them; but, they don’t appreciate your efforts? Don’t you think it’s a waste of time? But wait a minute! Is it? Have you forgotten something?
Those are occupants of the trenches. In the trenches; people who think they already know it all; don’t realize what they need. It’s rewarding to help those who are enthusiastic and naive. Though many are positive; there are all kinds of negative spirits in the trenches. Pride, rebellion, low self-esteem, ignorance, jealousy, haughtiness, disrespect, and lack of appreciation. Yes! The trenches are draining at times. But, when you are seeking to do what you love to do; don’t forget your, “Yes Lord!” Don’t forget what you said. “It is more important for you to help people in the trenches.”
I recently shared frustrations with a co-laborer in the gospel. I said, “I’m ready to let go of trying to help those who don’t want MY help; and concentrate on completing the PhD. It’s time to teach at the university.” I remembered turning down offers four years ago, to teach at a Bible College and Seminary. But my co-laborer helped me remember my call. She said, “Sister Rochelle, God may want you to do both. Teach at the university; AND in the church.”
My friends, what about you? Do you do what you love to do? Do you know what you love to do? Sometimes it takes walking through rough terrain to discover what you love to do. Thwarted sideline efforts often push you to get back on track; and finish what you started. You may have to come up against walls in your life to realize they need to fall. But don’t give up.
Who knows? You might be in boot camp. This current situation might be your internship. Perhaps you need to pray, and ask God to show you purpose in what you’re doing NOW!
Loving what you do is wonderful. Maybe it’s time to take an inventory of what you do. Perhaps it’s time to do some Spring cleaning in this Fall season. Get rid of that which is no longer of use. Maybe God is shifting you into, once again, loving what you do.
Pray about it.
That’s what I’ve done. I’ve prayed to the Lord to give me clarity. As I write this post; once again, a prophecy from years ago comes to mind. A prophetess who periodically comes to our church; gave me a word from the Lord. She said, “Woman of God, what you’re doing in ministry, now, is just a preview of the ministry God has for you to do.” I hear the Lord saying, “Get ready!”
My friends, do me a favor? Ask God to give you a clear vision of what you love to do; that’s in His Will. What is it? Do it!
Here’s a scripture to meditate upon. “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
Philippians 4:13 KJV
Thank you for joining me today. We’ll talk soon.