Do You Know How To Set Your Sails For Success?

Originally posted 2020-06-16 11:13:16.

Hi there!

Does the title of today’s post cause you to go, “hmmmm?” Or does it stir multiple thoughts? That’s great!

I asked my oldest son, Justin, “Do you know how to set your sails for success?” He initially downplayed my question as if it made no sense. But, the next day, he sent me a text and turned the question on me. Justin’s text read, “How DO YOU set your sails for success?” I told him that I was still writing this post, and he would need to wait. What Justin did not realize is that I purposely avoided his question, so he could think deeper about what I asked him. It worked!

A few days later, as Justin and I were talking, he introduced a very enlightening thought on the subject of this post. He said, “In some aspects, it is out of our control. Just like boats depend on the wind to blow; in order for us to sail anywhere, we have to depend upon God.”

A surprisingly interesting and relevant thought!

Putting a spiritual spin on the topic of this blog post was the last thing I expected from Justin. His point is extremely important. But, before we delve into the spiritual aspect of the question, let’s start with the word ‘sail.’ According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a sail is, “An extent of fabric (such as canvas) by means of which wind is used to propel a ship through water.” In other words, sails are mechanisms that set in motion directions by which objects move. Sails help ships get to going. However, sails base their movement by a natural element; wind.

Now that we have gotten that out of the way, there are some questions I need to ask you. What are your sails? Do your sails play a role in your day-to-day life? 

Could your sails be what led you to your existing career, or to pursue new career goals? Perhaps your sails are the driving force behind your job? Your business ventures? Your stock investments? Your relationships? Your education?

Maybe your sails are under the steps you are taking in growing your finances? Fixing your credit? Building new family dynamics and togetherness? Accomplishing the assignments God called you to do?

What are your sails? 

My friends, do you see how the aforementioned situations can be the catalysts that set in motion your actions in life? Think about it! What is the fabric that catapults you into action? What drives you? What direction are you going in life? What steps have you taken, or should you take to set your sails for success in life?

The answers to these questions can be different for each person!

One way of setting your sails is to realize the autonomy God has given each of us to be independent thinkers. Your picture of success might not be the same as what success looks like for others. Being a business owner might be your thought of success. Having a job, period, might be your neighbor’s perspective of success. The year and make of your car, the number of college degrees you have earned, or the name on the unseen designer label inside your clothes might indicate success to you. Being content with simply owning a car that runs might be your view of success. Everybody’s individual opinions of their success are fine! Just do you! It is best that you don’t set your timetable to the beat of someone else’s stop watch!

God has graced each of us with diverse gifts, talents, intellect, drive and/or the creative ability to turn the sails in our lives. It is essential for us to hear God and act upon His directives. As Justin said earlier in this post, “In order for us to sail anywhere, we have to depend on God!” ABSOLUTELY!!

God is in control of the wind that blows in our lives. Nothing can happen to us or for us without permission from the omniscient, all-powerful, sovereign God who made Heaven and earth. He sits high and looks low. That is why we MUST maintain our relationship with God, our gracious Heavenly Father.

So, my friends, the question to you remains, “Do You Know How To Set Your Sails For Success?” I pray you do, and that you are working towards and experiencing success while enjoying today.

God’s Word gives us a recipe for success.

The Lord spake unto Joshua in the Holy Scriptures. Joshua 1:8 says, “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” ‭

‭I have started setting my sails for success. How?

By spending more time reading God’s Holy Word. Spending more time praying to God, and listening intently for what the Holy Spirit is saying to me. Also, during this social distancing mandate, I tune into my local church’s virtual Sunday services, virtual Midweek Motivations, virtual Friday night services, and weekly prayer calls. I also watch ‘how to’ webinars.

Communication with God is vital. At the beginning of the ‘stay at home’ order, I prayed and said to God, “Lord, this pandemic is global. I know you are speaking to the entire world. But, what are you specifically saying to me? What do I need to change?”

The Spirit of the Lord let me see how I felt some kind of way when I saw certain people’s pics or heard their voices. I wrote a list of 9 people who I hadn’t forgiven. I didn’t know I was harboring ill-feelings because of what certain people said about me, or did to me in the past. The Lord brought Matthew 6:14-15 to my spirit. “For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” I prayed and asked God to help me forgive and to forgive me.

The other day, one of my sisters in The Lord called to talk about ministry. During our lengthy conversation, she said to me in a direct tone, “Rochelle, you are very smart! You are anointed! You have a genuine heart for helping God’s people! YOU HAVE TO OWN THE GIFTS GOD HAS GIVEN YOU!”

Wow! That last part really resonated with me. I heard the word, ‘confirmation’ in my spirit. As my sister talked, I thought about the warfare I have been experiencing lately. The enemy has been attacking my mind while I have been working on ministry, business, and personal life improvements. God told me the other day, “Rochelle everyone has to start somewhere!” It made me think of Zechariah 4:10 “For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the Lord, which run to and fro through the whole earth.”

Set your sails, my friends! Whatever way the wind is blowing in your life, God has equipped you with your own personal sails. You have the tools necessary for navigation. Your faith in the Lord to lead and guide you is a sail. Your trust in God is a sail. Your ear to hear the Spirit talking to you, the church, is a sail. Your, ‘get up and go’ is a sail.

Do you hear the Lord telling you to launch out into the deep? Do you hear the Word telling you that you can do ALL things through Christ, which strengthens you? Do you hear the Word telling you to push past being just a hearer of the Word, but, be a doer of the Word? Do you hear the Lord telling you to ignore the Sanballats and Tobiahs in your life? Pick up your Bible and read the book of Nehemiah!

Set your sails, my friends! Send in those corporation papers! Call that graphic artist! Upload that new Social Media Page and website! Launch that business venture! Open that account! Apply for that university, seminary, college or trade school! Apply for that mortgage! Write and record that song! Complete that Webinar! Record that podcast! Pull that credit report, and begin paying those old bills! Publish that book! Purchase that fixer upper! Invest in that stock! Call that loved one who has been m.i.a. Forgive that person, or those persons who hurt you. Open your heart to love again. Allow reliable people to help you! Start that ministry mandated by God! Join that church! Tell God, “YES!” Praise God!

SET YOUR SAILS FOR SUCCESS! When you do, let me know how things are going. I would love to read your testimony.

Thank you for joining me today! I’ll talk with you next week. I love you!

