Originally posted 2019-07-13 09:00:20.
Hi!I know you’re shouting, “Yes!” But, is that entirely the case. I personally think, “Yes and No,” are answers worth considering.
Some people offer their opinions about you that are laced with insults. But, you should never own rude expressions people hurl at you. In order to do this, you have to first know yourself, and be open to receive constructive criticism. When these two qualities are in place, they help you see clearly, when you are the object of others’ slurs.
Yes! Ignore their opinions. But how? Think about what they said. Consider what is behind their opinions.
Some people give their view of you, because it is what they believe. Others intentionally try to make you feel bad. What the latter types express of you may not be their true opinions. They may use some distasteful adjectives for the sole purpose of tearing you down.
But, do not buy into their judgement. These people usually have issues of their own. You just happen to be the target of their effort to camouflage their self-distaste. You are the object of their need to hide. What better place to hide insecurities, low self-esteem, and pride; but behind speaking ill of others.
Did you notice, ‘you’ are not at the end of that last sentence? People who have the propensity to cover up things that they feel bad about themselves do not discriminate. They do the same to most people. They target a fault, and inflict an inflated sour description on anyone. That is what they do. Have you ever been there? Yes? No? Maybe? So, do not take it personal.
You, my friend, must not concern yourself with people’s assessments. Please, please do not retaliate when people insult you. Just pray. Pray for them; and pray for you. Love past the negativity. Know that when a person is trying to help you; their remarks will not be laced with disparaging words. Do not allow another person’s ignorance of you to sway you.
Think about it. People are clueless to the circumstances behind what you do and where you are in your life. They see you through their jaded observations. They jump to conclusions based upon their limited knowledge of who you are; and often of life.
We all come from different backgrounds, upbringings and life situations.
Those who never saw a struggle do not understand what it is like to press their way out of being financially strapped. Those who never had to deal with, once earning a healthy income, and having been stripped from being able to work; do not know the thoughts of helplessness that come. Those who had opportunities given to them, or help from loved ones do not know about the hardships of finding your path with just you and God. Those who never lived through their parents’ divorcing do not know the feelings of rejection and abandonment that you still carry. Those who never had anyone walk away without notice do not understand how the devastation drove you to semi-seclusion. If you have experienced any of these things, understand others’ oblivion. Do not feel sorry for yourself. STOP trying to get them to see. Only God can open the eyes of any of our understandings.
There are still more ways to looking at this.
Those who never knew love do not relate to the joy of love. Those who were raised by one parent, or in a household where their daddy beat their mama, or one parent was on drugs, do not know the life of a household with two loving parents. If your life was different than those who had certain perks, do not develop jealousy when they talk of their joys. Be happy for them.
Never allow the enemy of your soul to strip your joy by taunting you with what you did not have. Target in on what God did bless you with. Know that if you were raised by a single loving parent, or one of your parents was always in and out, it does not make you less. You had happiness, joy, normalcy and routine. You had love, family, holiday traditions, and fun times. Do not compare your family’s traditions and fun times to other families’. That is when feelings of lack creep in.
Some families’ struggles lead them to deteriorate. Other families’ struggles cause members to become super close. If the latter is the case with your family, DO NOT allow anyone to make you feel bad about your family’s closeness. Ignore small insinuations. Do not let offensive words bother you. Remember, they are clueless to what fueled the tight bond. Pray, and thank God for how He kept your family intact through love.
What about the answer: “No! You should not ignore opinions of clueless people?”
When should you not ignore their opinions? This may sound a bit oxymoronic; but, clueless people observe things from a different perspective. They may not be aware of all you have been through, or are currently going through. But, they see more in you than you see in yourself. Everybody is not trying to make you feel bad. Some people just lack wisdom.
Not everyone, knows how to express their intent to help you improve in a positive way. Before you cut them totally off” pray and ask God if your season with that person is up. If God says, “Yes,” well, snip snip; let them go. God will send people your way who know how to encourage without adding insults.
Have you ever talked to a stranger, and at the end of the conversation, they told you of the greatness they see in you? They are clueless of your history. They just hear your words. They see your eye contact. They hear how you articulate. They observe your intellect, and your attractiveness. It is something about you that sparks their sincere reflective comments about you. You, my friend, must not write it off as mere flattery.
Think about it. Some good opinions others have of you are confirmations of what God has been trying to help you to understand. Why would you not see good opinions of you that others see? What makes you own bad opinions of you, and discard good ones?
Is there any truth to the bad opinions?
Yes? If so, wear them like a loose garment. Allow the words to prompt you to pray. Ask God to show you areas where you need to change, and to help you! Loose garments are either altered to fit or discarded. Hold them up to you, let God guide you, and give them away. Liken a bad opinion of you to a loose garment, and give it to God.
Once God shows you opportunities to enhance yourself, and how to improve your life; do it. Throw away the insults. There is more to you than hurtful descriptions. Start declaring positive thoughts about yourself, and affirm what you shall be and do. If you need to take steps for self-improvement, do it! Make plans. Set goals. Take action! Even if you are waiting on some things you are working towards to take place in your life; declare that you already have them. Enjoy your now! You are already on the road to the greatest you, and to having the greatest life God wants for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
Thank you for joining me today. I’ll leave you with a question, “Do you need to ignore the opinions of clueless people?” We will talk soon.