Originally posted 2018-02-13 10:19:04.
Hi!There’s an old idiom that says, “Birds of a feather flock together.” Some think that phrase is the total opposite of the common phrase, “Opposites Attract.” But, in essence; the two phrases have similarities. I guess you’re thinking, “Uh! Excuse me! No they don’t!” But think about it.
Varying personalities keep spice in relationships; creativity in teams; and spontaneity in group fellowships. Yet; elements of like-mindedness are often found in people who are as different as night and day. A very quiet person and a talkative person may both be comical, super smart, or movie buffs. Two avid book worms may have different housekeeping etiquettes. One may keep clothes thrown everywhere; while the other demands an impeccably clean house. The differences and similarities in people are what make good communication.
Many opportunities of discovery live in human interactions. You discover you, your intellectual preferences, likes, dislikes, and social attributes through experiences. But it’s up to you to capitalize on them. Just as you learn from people’s positive attributes; don’t allow time spent among negative or stuck people to push you into a hermit’s corner. Rather, use them to prompt you to reflect; and learn your strengths, pet peeves, proclivities, and opportunities for enhancement. Examine yourself.
What environments do you enjoy? What do you like to read, talk about, learn, or just do? For instance; I love reading, learning, writing, helping others, seeing people blessed, serving in ministry, cooking, playing the piano, listening to great sermons, having theological conversations and teaching. Educational environments are comfortable. That’s probably why I spend so much time at the library. I especially enjoy having theological conversations, and listening and talking to brilliant thinkers like my pastor, my sons, my nephew Bob, and others.
But, what about you?
What inspires you to grow? Is it when you’re around people painting; sculpturing pottery; negotiating in business meetings? Is it among writers; persons who enjoy teaching what they’ve learned; authentic preachers; or prayer groups? Is it watching seamstresses, helping with people with a gift of helps; singing with singers, producers, or engineers in a music studio? These situations are a smidgen of the many situations that inspire you to succeed in your like gifts, talents, and passions. There are so many more. Uncomfortable environments may even inspire you to grow.
Do you ever find yourself feeling out-of-place in certain settings? Why? Is it you? Is it the people? Who knows? But; is it a good thing? Certainly! Having, “Calgon, take me away,” moments help you discover more about you. Especially in the familiar.
Recently, I sat in a service at a church other than my home church. Though it was my second time attending an event at that church; the service on this particular night was routine of special services I’ve experienced over the years. The ordinary spoke volumes.
I love going to church; period. There’s something wonderful about being in the house of the Lord; worshipping among the Saints. But, on that night; as multiple names were called and people were given accolades; I sat; bored and frustrated. It wasn’t that I needed my name called. It didn’t matter if my name would’ve been mentioned over ten times. I just thought; “Wow! I’m so beyond this. It’s archaic! It’s a waste of time!”
Please don’t misunderstand. I certainly don’t think I’m better. I, of all people, am aware of my shortcomings. But, my mind just doesn’t resonate with spending ten or more minutes lifting multiple people up in church services. Acknowledging leaders is proper and needed. But doing a lengthy roll call and giving mini bios with accolades is unnecessary. That ego boosting “fluff” is a repellent. STOP!! This is not a venting session. SO STAY WITH ME!!
Walk with me through this journey of unpacking like-mindedness.
I’ve met many people who base their sense of importance on church positions, seat locations, and name recognition. Not that it’s a bad thing. That’s their like-mindedness. I just don’t care about that kind of stuff; never have. The usher at the church mentioned above offered me a seat on the front row. I expressed my appreciation of her kindness, and told her that the second row was fine.
People may think I’m off; but to me; getting caught up on being ‘church important’ is a waste of time. My main concern is to please God. When I go to church; I need a Word from the Lord. That’s the reason for going; a Word; and to give God glory. As I listened; a thought and question came to me; “I understand why so many people don’t attend certain services. Is God pleased with this?” Reflection and wonder: not judgement; were very heavy in my spirit.
I looked at the pulpit. There were 6 pastors sitting up there. Then I glanced around the sanctuary. There were less than 70 people in the service. I thought; “This is a revival. These pastors are here; but where are their people? The whole point of the revival is to bless them.
As the accolades continued; I looked at my emails’ inboxes on my phone. This was a way to take my mind off my frustrations. Then I wondered how the name recognitions helped people to grow. The thought of wanting to be around like-minded people came into my spirit; and thus, the beginning of this post.
You are probably thinking, “She’s so off. Sitting in a church service; looking at her phone.” You’re right. Do me a favor; pray for me. Because, I never would have done that if my pastor was there; or if I was at my home church. But, God sees all. Lord! Forgive me.
Obedience is not wasted time.
I went to the revival to support my sister in the Lord. So, even though I was sitting there; as in “Lost in Space,” mode; the Lord still blessed my obedience. I needed a Word. Once the speaker mounted the podium; the Lord shifted the service. The speaker asked his daughter to come up to the podium and sing. When the young lady sang; her genuine worship helped me lose my frustration. The corporate like-mindedness in worship sprinkled throughout the sanctuary. I began to worship the Lord. Praise God! Then the preacher got up; and BOOM! There it was.
Like-mindedness happened!!
The preacher’s message was SO anointed; relevant; scholarly; and filled with God’s Word; until I became totally excited. He gave the characters in the text; the culture of the day; history; and insights of why the people interacted as they did. His points were thought provoking. That edifying sermon was filled with hermeneutic bridges with relevance of today. It felt like I was at my home church listening to my pastor’s anointed; soul-stirring; thought-provoking sermons. It reminded me of sitting in a MDiv class, listening to fellow students and teachers interact about the Holy Writ and its’ history. Finally; outward manifestation of like-minded people in an atmosphere of sheer boredom.
There it is!!!
As I write this post, I hear, “Rochelle, you are scholarly. You enjoy conversations and settings where, great preaching, teaching and learning take place. Not only biblical; but ministry; business; financial literacy; leadership; and entrepreneurial discussions inspire you. You are a midwife of purpose. That’s why, you are easily bored in settings that don’t appear to help people grow.”
My friend, positive like-mindedness helps us grow; even when the person has some opposite attributes. Glean from the positive in school, business, with family and fellow saints of God; and GROW! When you love the Lord; and you love God’s Word; being in a true worship service inspires growth. Even though, boredom invaded the beginning of the service in the house of God that night; every one of us who hungered and thirsted after righteousness shared a like-mindedness. We had an ear to hear the Word of God. We experienced the scriptures; “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.” Psalms 122:1 KJV
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20 KJV Praise God! The Lord prevailed!
Thank you for joining me today. I’ll leave you with, “How does being around like-minded people inspire you to grow? We’ll talk soon.