Originally posted 2016-07-07 17:37:07.
Hi!Do you remember a time when you were at the beach, sitting in your backyard, or walking down a street; and all of a sudden it started sprinkling? What was your first reaction? Did you welcome the tiny droplets on your face, or did they bring about disappointment? I guess you might be saying that it depends upon the situation, the time of day, the circumstance, or the climate. What if it was a very hot day; and those refreshing miniature pebbles started dripping? Were they a relief?
What if you just left the salon? What if you had on a tailor-made suit and you were walking across a parking lot on your way to an important business meeting? If it was scorching hot out side; and suddenly the sprinkles came; would you say, “Aw!! Yes?” Or did you say, “WHAT?!? The weatherman didn’t mention the chance of rain this morning?” Were the sprinkles of rain welcomed or dreaded?
Let’s step away from the rain and replace it with joy? How often is your everyday routine interrupted with sprinkles of joy? How often do you experience sprinkles of joy seeping into your thoughts? When it begins to sprinkle rain outside, it’s like the dew in the morning. You really don’t feel it at first. But as it continues to sprinkle, you start feeling it little by little. I don’t know about you, but such is the same for me when it comes to sprinkles of joy.
Why do we need sprinkles of joy?
Many of us are going through so much. Life in and of itself is tough at times. You might be dealing with financial difficulties, relationship problems, health challenges, car problems, or grief. You might be experiencing dry periods or attacks in your career and ministry. You might be awaiting the outcome of an impending court case; or have the task of needing to make hard decisions. But my friends, even with all life’s bumps in the road, I have found out what sprinkles of joy will do. They will cause you to make a U-turn when you’re going down sadness lane, depression avenue or giving up boulevard.
I really miss my daughter. It’s been two years and a month since she passed; and I find myself crying because I miss her so much. The other day, one of my sons posted on Facebook about a dream he had with my daughter in it. He wrote, “Had a dream that Mika died and came back to life. I cried to her saying don’t die again, then woke up with a wet pillow…guess it was God’s way of telling me she lives on.” ….I was typing a chapter in my upcoming book and paused to read Facebook when I read my son’s post. I sat there crying, commented on his post and told him that I love him.
But then a sprinkle of joy dropped into my spirit. I saw that even though my son is hurting over the loss of his sister; he still believes in God and in eternal life. Grief could have caused him to give up on God. Grief could have overwhelmed me to the point of becoming stuck in sadness. But joy overrode the pain. The question came, “Where do you find sprinkles of joy?”
Do you really find sprinkles of joy? They can pop up unexpectedly throughout the day without you even looking for them.
One morning as I dropped my grandson off to day-camp, he cried a little, because he didn’t want me to leave him. The day before, he was fine. But on this particular day, he cried and said, “Gaga, my daddy picks me up too late. I don’t want to stay here so long. The other children go home.” Then he said, “Gaga can you come and pick me up early and my daddy can get me at your house?” I told him that I would ask his daddy; and if his daddy said, “Yes,” I would pick him up. That assurance, caused him to go on in; teary eyes and all. My sprinkles of joy were that my little man is now a big boy going to day-camp, and I didn’t cry after I left him.
My friends, you may think that this is nothing. But for me, it is huge. Last year, on my grandson’s first day of kindergarten, he cried while the teacher was explaining the process. His daddy had to work. His dad’s mom met us there to see him on his first day. As she and I were leaving, Jordan, crying, ran to me saying, “Gaga!.” Those puppy dog eyes full of tears touched my heart.
After we left, I got into my car and cried like a baby the entire drive home. I not only cried for him, but I cried because he didn’t have his mommy on his first day of kindergarten. I cried for not having my precious daughter here to enjoy this day. Mika and I had talked about her dilemma with wanting to go with Jordan on his first day; and having to meet her first grade students at the school where she taught. Grief overwhelmed me that entire day. But now, nine months later, gentle sprinkles of joy powerfully diminish the lingering grief and pain.
Where else do sprinkles of joy unexpectedly pop up?
On a breezy day, the movement of leaves on several trees caught my attention. I noticed how the leaves on several of the them were moving very fast; while leaves on other trees were barely moving. Sprinkles of joy came in my wonderment of how trees are so different; not only in shape, color and sizes; but in how the wind affects them.
I gazed up at the clouds and saw the variety of beautiful white cottony shapes, and observed how they are strategically nestled throughout the blue sky. I drove down the street and noticed the different types, colors and sizes of cars; and thought of how God placed creativity in those who designed them. I laughed at a television commercial and admired the minds of those who wrote the scripts. My friends, where and when do sprinkles of joy pop up in your day?
Kisha called me Sunday night and asked me to come over the next day to spend the holiday with her and Grace. I said, “Yes,” with a tinge of reluctance in my voice. Kisha knows me so well. Monday morning, she called early and said, “Aunty are you still coming. You haven’t changed your mind have you?” Even though I woke up with a very bad headache, I said, “Kisha I will be there later at 6:00 p.m.” After spending the day in and out of bed fighting a grueling headache, I got up, showered, put on a comfortable outfit, and drove over to Kisha’s house. As her dad finished grilling the chicken, ribs, salmon, hot dogs, sausages, etc., Kisha and I sat in the kitchen catching up and talking. We both had sprinkles of joy. She loves to cook. Kisha fussed while slicing strawberries for a fruit salad. I sat there watching her delight in making delectable dishes. She said, “Aunty, I’m so glad that you’re here. We need to talk!”
I started doing one of the things some say that I do best. I questioned Kisha to get her to talk about what was bothering her. She said, “You are so much like Mika,” and she started doing one of the things that she does so well; that is, speaking her mind. I truly enjoyed listening to Kisha express her thoughts on current events; and seeing Grace run around talking in her 19-month old lingo.
Tamar came over, ate and answered all of Kisha and my many questions about his recent trip to Rome, Paris and London. Shan and Jake came, and we joyfully watched Jake and Grace play. Then Kisha and Shan danced. There were so many sprinkles of joy. Grace trying to show me how to turn to Mickey Mouse with the cable remote. Grace jumping in her daddy’s lap, “Saying daddy.” Anthony joyfully kissing his baby daughter. Grace saying “Paw-Paw,” and following her granddad when he came into the house. Kisha’s dad asking if the hot dogs were too burnt. Tamar all grown up, intelligently sharing his insights, and educating us on different cultures. Jake joyfully playing with Grace. And, me, watching and taping Kisha and Shan having fun together like sister/cousins.
Family is so much more than blood relations. Yes! Sprinkles of joy happen while seeing others’ joy. My friends, do you see how sprinkles of joy are in the above normal day? Think about it. Are sprinkles of joy popping up, as you think about today’s events?
I asked my cousin Mindy the question to this post. She excitedly said, “All the time!” Then she immediately started talking about how she sees beauty in the midst of difficult days. She talked about her viewpoint on looking forward to better despite of current hardships. We talked about Seminary and Bible college courses; and God’s awesomeness. Her sprinkles of joy and my sprinkles of joy turned into a tsunami of positive thoughts-insights. I truly believe that Joy is different from happiness. Joy is not contingent upon perfect circumstances; it’s beyond that. It’s from within. Joy (even sprinkles of joy), comes from the Lord. Praise God!
My friends, thank you for joining me today. Thinking about sprinkles of joy was fun. Here are some Scriptures on joy: Isaiah 12:3; Psalm 16:11; and Galatians 5:22. My last questions are, “How often do you have sprinkles of joy?” And “How do sprinkles of joy affect you?” I’d love to hear from you. We’ll talk soon.