Originally posted 2016-01-28 23:59:40.
Hi!If people who you have interacted with likened your life to a book, what would they note? What would capture the attention of the majority of persons reading the book of your life through experiencing you? If your life was a book, would it be an easy or difficult read? Would it be adventurous, boring, intriguing, inspiring, encouraging or perplexing? Would it highlight generosity, endurance, steadfastness, or faithfulness? Would it display an energetic person, a person that people admire, or someone who is an example for others? Would it display selfishness, haughtiness, self-righteousness, stubbornness, slothfulness, wishy-washy, prideful, frugal, stinginess, high-mindedness, meanness, or bitterness? Would the book of your life read as an instructional “how to” manual? Or would it inform the reader of “how not to?” What would be the book’s plot, theme, or genre? Would it read like a fairy tale; so wonderful that others covet your life? Think about it. How would your life read, if it was a book?
Books have purpose.
Books have purpose. They entertain, they teach, they amuse, they solve dilemmas. So is the same with our lives, yet our lives have so much more. All of our lives have purpose. And someone is always watching us and learning from us. First and foremost, God is watching us. We first learn from the ultimate book; the Word of God. And God allows us to see and learn from each other. Everywhere we go somebody is gleaning from us. The young learn from the seasoned. The seasoned learn from the young. Little girls watch and learn from their older sisters, mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, teachers and friends. Little boys observe and learn from their older brothers, dads, mothers, grandparents, uncles, cousins, teachers and friends. My friends, who is learning from you? Paul said to the church of Corinth in 2 Corinthians 3:2 “Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men.” (KJV)
What are the chapters in your book?
- Would patience be a chapter? Why? – Patience is a fruitful attribute. It’s a wondrous thing for someone to see that you don’t become super aggravated with them when they are acting a nut.
- Would timidity be a chapter? Why? – Timidity is driven by fear. Sometimes a person is afraid of everything. Afraid to talk to people. Afraid to step out and walk in what God is calling you to. Fearful of expressing yourself in crowds. This chapter would do harm in the “how-to” book when you are the example for others. Yet this chapter would thrive in the “how-not-to” book?
- Would victoriousness through prayer be a chapter? Why? – Living a life of trusting God no matter what is infectious. Praying without ceasing is victorious. Having faith is victoriousness. This chapter reminds me of one of my cousins. She is believing God for healing from RA; and deals with excruciating pain. Yet she’s always praying and trusting God through tumultuous situations. When I read the book of her life, it encourages me to give thanks to God in every situation. If my cousin can push her way and continue to tell God “Yes” in the midst of her body wrecking in pain, certainly I can keep going.
- Would diligence and adventurousness be chapters? Why? – Have you ever met someone who keeps pushing no matter what? This person has experienced failures, but you may not ever see how they are affected, because they continue to go. They push past obstacles. They find fun and creative ways to describe trips. They find the sunshine in cloudy days.
My friends, think about it. In what ways does your life inform, influence, instruct, help, and encourage others? How do your conversations and mannerism, especially towards those in need, speak to your confession of living for Christ? How do your actions pronounce your loyalty towards others and your integrity?
Thank you for joining me in these Thursday thoughts. The last question is, “If your life was a book, how would it read?” Join me in conversation. I’d love to hear from you. We’ll talk soon.
Girl my life could be a childs book of a fairy tale come true, another aspect could be a nightmare reality story. How about Jurassic park living with a dinosaur lolol. What a about a global adventure. But most importantly being loved by the King of Kings.You are Creating good thoughts Ro
You are hilarious. Perhaps you can write your life story. Based upon your comments, it certainly would be an interesting read. I’d certainly read it. Thanks for your comments Shawn. The aim is to evoke thought and helo readers to: “Bloom! Expand! Discover! And Experience!” It is my earnest prayer that the posts bless the readers. Blessings!