Originally posted 2015-11-16 14:33:19.
Hi!How often do you become impatient about the length of time that it takes for what you’re waiting on to come to past? Are you waiting on that project to come to completion? Are you in the infant stages of that business venture or ministry assignment and the frustration of small beginnings is ever before you? You may have been in business for multiple years, giving it your all and you are waiting on it to become a success? Are you working towards that degree, and the closer you get to the completion date, the harder the classes become?

…Waiting is the most difficult thing for most of us to do. Why? I don’t know about you, but during my times of waiting, that’s when the whispers of the enemy of my progress and faith become screams of impending failure. You might be waiting on God to help you with clarity about life situations. You might be waiting on your ruptured family to become a real loving family who enjoys each other’s company without competition, jealousy, selfishness, grudges, backbiting and the crab mentality. In this day of microwaves, internet, social media and quick fixes; instant gratification is the dominant thought and waiting associates with failure.
…..But could it be that the restoration process is in the midst of the wait?
I recently looked at some of my old notes and writing, and the phrase, “Restoration is in process,” was on one of the papers dated in 2006. I thought back to 2006. That was a very stressful year for me and the children; both financially and with living situations. I realized that the subject of restoration has been with me for years.
Periodically, restoration comes again and again. But when it came this time, I thought about Joel 2:25 where it says, “And I will restore unto you the years that the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.” …..”What?” How in the world could the thought that restoration was in process be with me in 2006 while I was dealing with such tumultuous personal struggles? But one word stuck out in that scripture; “Years.” Years of restoration…..
…..What does restoration really mean in your life?
I looked up what Merriam-Webster says about the word, “restore.” It’s interesting how this dictionary explains definitions to learners of English. One says, “To give back (someone or something that was lost or taken): to return (something or someone.) Another says, “To put or bring (something) back into existence or use.” Another says, “To return (something) to an earlier or original condition by repairing it, cleaning it, etc.” Another says, “To bring (someone) back to an earlier and better condition, to put (someone) back in a position.” It defines the word, “restoration” as an act of bringing back to a former position or condition; or restoring to an improved condition.
….I recently drove to the neighborhood that I grew up in and took a picture of the house that we called home. Sometimes, when we look at condemned buildings and houses, it is difficult to envision restoration; especially when you knew its former beauty. …But, we are not brick and mortar. Restoration in us is possible with God, even if all we have ever seen is destruction. …The principal meaning of restore in the Hebrew language is completion and fulfillment. The desirable state of wholeness where relationships are restored. To be in a covenant of peace, be at peace, to complete, finish, make safe, make whole or good. To be sound, safe, and to live in harmony with God. Think about it. What areas of your life is restoration in process? Where is peace and harmony forming?
How is restoration bringing you to a better condition, improving you and bringing you to a desirable state of wholeness?
We have to take a deeper look at restoration. We often attribute our storms and trials to the enemy. But God allows some things that we experience. (cf. Joel 2:25) ….Yet, before we blame God for our calamities, let’s think how merciful He is and How He is always trying to bring us to a state of wholeness. …Think about it. Have you ever gone without a car, and you walked, caught the bus, or had to ride with people who treated you like you were a complete inconvenience to them? ….Think about it. Perhaps you were learning humility in the midst of being humiliated. Have you ever lived in a tiny apartment with your entire family and dealt with the overcrowding? ….Think about it. Perhaps you were learning contentment in the midst. Have you ever dealt with wage garnishments and had to call people to help you when your car broke down and you were short on cash? Perhaps it was a way for you to lose pride in the midst. Have you ever had to sit and wait on someone to pick you up for church, after they were twenty minutes late, they called you and told you that they were not coming? Perhaps, in the midst of your tears and frustration, you were learning about people in general and how to forgive. …Think about it. Have you ever had to deal with one calamity after another and you felt like you were drowning? Could it be that our merciful God allowed these things to happen just to get our attention? Could it be that when we gained wealth that we forgot that it is God that gives us power to get wealth? Could it be that we forgot who brought us out of bondage in the first place?
Why is joy and pain in the process of restoration?
Restoration won’t necessarily make things return to how they originally were but it is moves them to a better condition? Have you ever been separated from loved ones for years with a misunderstanding of why the separation took place? …Perhaps, the building of the new relationships with your loved ones is helping you to understand that restoration does not mean all joy and laughter. Pain, heartache, cleansing and memories of the lost years take place along side the joy of seeing those you love. But if you don’t dwell on the missed birthdays, missed holidays, missed trips, missed conversations, missed sharing of happy and sad times and just be thankful for now and the future; restoration can take place. Joy will continue to come and outweigh all pain.
How often have you prayed to God for a house, a car, a mate, a job, financial freedom or a deeper walk with God? How often have you repented to the Lord for things that you have done that are not pleasing to Him? How often have you prayed for God to help you not to walk away from Him? How often have you given God praise and realized that He is in the midst and He is in control? Think about it. God is continuously restoring you to wholeness in Him in the midst of your prayers. My friends, “Restoration is in the Process.” Can you see it? I surely can!
Thank you for joining me in these Monday moments of reflection. What are your thoughts on restoration. Join me in conversation. I’d love to hear from you.
What a word!! Thank you! I don’t know what to apply this too but I’m going to meditate on it.
Love you, sis Lisa A.
You’re welcome sister. We will continue to pray for you as the Lord leads you. Blessings!