Originally posted 2016-08-27 13:15:43.
Hi!What drives you? Is it fear of not wanting to have any regrets? Sometimes, the mere thought of looking back over our lives and being filled with “what if,” and “if only” is frustrating? Missed opportunities are often daunting? The very thought of them can disturb your peace. That’s why trying to avoid the backlash of “I should have,” drives many people. Many people set 6 month, 1 year, 5 year, 10 year, 20 year and lifetime goals; and make checklists as they meet them. They’re driven by each accomplishment. So, what drives you?
Is it hope for the manifestation of a dream you have? Is it the wish to reach a goal? Is it seeing others carry out their goals? Is it, watching others press on and walk in their dreams?
When you see others living their dreams, doesn’t that spark something in you to go ahead? Or does the opposite happen? For some of us; not all of us; but some of us; when we see people basking in their promise; sadness and resentment arise. But it shouldn’t. What it should do is inspire you to get busy. Personally, seeing others step into their purpose causes the drive in me to spring forth. It fuels what’s in me to leap. What about you? What drives you?
It’s interesting to see the diversity in what drives people.
I asked a young widower in his late thirties, “What drives you?” He immediately pointed to his five-year-old son, who he’s raising alone and said, “Him!” Then he said, “Staying healthy so that I can live a long life drives me.” His words spoke volumes. They made me think of how seeing others in pain can drive you to not want to cause more pain. I thought of how precaution and love drive me.
Knowing that too much sodium can lead to another brain aneurysm drives me to limit my salt intake. My love for God drives me to pray, read the Word of God, go to church and help others. My love for my children, grandson, son-in-law and family drives me to eat right and keep going. Especially when grief from losing my daughter tries to overtake me. But, there are so many more drivers.
Wanting my sons saved drives me to stay in prayer and live a life before them as an example of one truly serving the Lord. Wanting them to live successful lives drives me to constantly encourage them, and remind them of their strengths. I also tell my sons when they’re wrong. They get angry at times; but that’s okay. When you want the best for anyone; sometimes you have to administer tough love. Your drive to see others succeed must outweigh your personal feelings.
Wanting people who aren’t living for Jesus to turn to the Lord drives me to evangelize, pray and be a living epistle. Wanting persons in ministry to grow drives me to help them to see and birth their potential. It’s not always a pretty picture; but the results make the ugly encounters worth it. Seeing my brothers and sisters in the Lord, flourish is what drives me to look past faults and see needs. Also, desiring to teach at a university drives me to press on towards the PhD in Theology. What about you? What drives you?
Goals and Dreams….
Does accomplishing one of your own goals drive you? Does the rush that comes with your achievements spark determination to do more? What fuels your confidence that you can and you will meet more goals?
Does anticipation of a promise that God made drive you? Years ago, there was a jingle to a ketchup commercial that said, “Anticipation! It’s making me wait. It’s keeping me waiting.” I pulled it up on YouTube. Watching that ketchup slowly pour unto a sandwich stirred my imagination. I could see how ketchup moving at a snail’s pace could cause a hungry person to lick their lips as they utter, “Hurry up.” But they’re still waiting. They want to taste the ketchup.
My friends, have you had a glimpse of your God-given dream, and you want to taste that thing? Is it ever before your eyes? Does it bombard your thoughts and dreams? Is the suspense of what could happen pulling at you? Have you thought about what you would do when your dream materializes? A dab of the possibility of something positive on the brink of occurring brings so much excitement. Isn’t that thing driving you?
And on the flip side; what negative forces drive you? In what direction do they drive you? Do they drive you to go ahead or recede?
- Is it the attack from opposition?
- Is it the plethora of challenges that you face?
- Is it someone hurting your feelings?
- Is it someone getting on your nerves?
- Is it the opinion of people?
Is is it fear of ….
- failure?
- not being popular?
- not being the one who everybody comes to for answers?
- potential pressure?
- depression coming upon you?
- success?
- love?
- happiness?
My friends, God uses life’s experiences to drive us. He allowed a bush to catch on fire without being consumed to drive Moses to turn aside to see. He allowed a giant to bully His people to drive David to use one smooth stone and slay the giant. He allowed Saul to have a life changing experience with Jesus on the road to Damascus. This encounter drove Saul who was later called Paul, to dedicate his life to building God’s Kingdom. Oh yes! God allowed Jesus to die on that ignominious cross to make a way for us to have access to God by Him through our repentance. Jesus’ sacrifice drives those of us who believe to,”Say Yes!” through the cross’ drawing power.
It brings so much joy to know that life drives us to God. I’m reminded of Psalm 119:71; which says, “It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.” (KJV) Praise God!
Thank you for sharing with me. Think about today’s question, and tell me, “What drives you?” I’d love to hear from you. We’ll talk soon.