Originally posted 2016-05-25 18:13:26.
Hi!If someone asks, “What things cause you to learn,” how will you respond? What if they ask you to name situations that teach you? Will your answer be typical, like most people’s? Perhaps you’ll say, “Duh!! Everyone knows that schools, colleges, training programs, seminars, conferences, sermons, workshops, self-help books, and on-line courses educate.” But think about it. Even though these are prime venues for learning; many more of our experiences teach us. So why have we constrained learning to traditional and ordinary avenues? Perhaps it’s time to take a trip out of the box.
I asked a childhood friend, “What is life teaching you today?” He said, “Life is a series of moments.” That’s such a relevant observation. It takes a turn from life’s familiar instructors and creates paths to consider other potential learning opportunities. His response triggered further thought….
…When we are attentive to the moments in our lives, those of us consumed by day-to-day busyness will grasp what life is teaching. A douse of each moment will even spark those who aren’t interested in learning at all to notice what life is teaching in moments of time. It makes you yield, stop and think, “What moments?’
Can you learn….
While watching television? Eating? Working? At school during recess? At a church outing? At a game? Working in a garden? Listening to music? In conversations with your spouse, children or friends? Yes! Yes! Yes! And again, “Yes”………!
Sometimes we learn while just driving in the car or walking down a pathway. We learn from our struggles. We learn from our victories. We learn when we go to the store. We learn when we put on a pair of shoes. We learn at the hair and nail salon, or at the barbershop. We learn from last minute calls to teach or minister. We learn while looking at a picture, gazing at the clouds, planting flowers, admiring the trees; listening to the birds chirp, and even from watching people. …We’ve learned so many things over time. Yet, the question is, “What is life teaching you today?”
Lessons of a renewed you?
I recently watched an interesting show on the DIY channel. It was about people who took an old property and school bus and converted them into tiny homes to live in. As I saw creativity unfold, an idea came to me. I thought of purchasing an unfinished wood cocktail table to paint and shellac it. The very thought brought a smile to my face. I said, “Wow! It has been years since I wanted to do that. I haven’t thought about refinishing furniture since my children were young, and I was trying to think of inexpensive ways to have decent furniture. I feel so much like there is something new happening. All of a sudden, I want to start making things with my hands again? A renewed sense of creativity has evolved.” All of that just by watching a television show?
Later, that same day, I read an article on Flipboard about classical music, and immediately flipped it into one of my magazines. A feeling of rejuvenation came upon me as I made a mental note to buy a new adaptor for my keyboard so that I can start playing again. Re-learning chords came into my mind. I thought, “Wow! I’ve only played the piano a few times since having the aneurysm and brain surgeries over seven years ago. What is happening to me?” The Lord said, “Rochelle you’re re-learning you in your struggle. You’re rediscovering your triggers of joy.” My friends, what is The Lord renewing in you today?
Is life teaching you about you?
Sometimes your sense of feeling lost, having a blank page; yet seeking to press out of empty will teach you about you. Your health challenge, your grief, your relationship issues and your financial dilemmas will teach you about you and others. You learn who is for you. You learn who is selfish; you learn who cares. You learn who really loves you. You learn who doesn’t really like you. You learn areas where you lack forgiveness. You learn your own fears of the vulnerabilities in relationships. You learn where you need to stop overlooking financial obligations as if they will vanish. You learn to stop eating foods that your doctor told you are off-limits. You learn where you’ve put people in a place in your heart reserved for God alone. And, when the page is blank, life will definitely teach you how dismal it is without hope. It will propel you to the journey of “Hoping again.” Praise God!
Your process in fulfilling your dreams and your accomplishments also teach you. You learn about the value of perseverance. You discover hidden talents and gifts about yourself. You discover your strengths and your weaknesses. Think about it. Financial roadblocks uncover your steadfastness. Setbacks shine light on your diligence. Whispers by naysayers who didn’t hear what God told you unlock your determination to obey God. The questions are, “What is your struggle teaching you? And what are you learning in your journey of success?” A more pertinent question is, “Who is teaching you?”
Life’s lessons come in many forms, and at any time.
I believe God is constantly teaching in every aspect of life. Every day that God allows you to breathe His air, He’s teaching you. A few ways are through…..
- Enlightening phone conversations: The other day, as my cousin Belinda and I were talking, somehow our discussion landed on the issue of a mate. We shared stories on some of the hurts we experienced in our lives and how they affected us over the years. I shared how my daddy rejected me as a child and teenager, until I never thought any man loved me even when they said that they did. I told her about the time when I was in my early twenties and driving my daddy home after sitting with him at the city and IRS discussing his unpaid property and personal taxes. I had accepted the responsibility to place his house in my name and pay the taxes so that he wouldn’t lose his home. As we were riding; out of the blue, daddy said, “The child I treated the worst is the one I depend on.” Then he said, “But I still love Angie more than anyone in this world.” Wow! It didn’t bother me that he loved Angie more. It hurt me that he didn’t say that he loved me at all. I didn’t say a word or drop a tear, But In my bruised heart, I heard him say, “You may have helped me, but I still don’t love you!” .
..But my cousin Belinda and I helped and encouraged each other through talking about God’s love for His children. We related on how God healed us and helped us forgive, after we surrendered our lives to Him. Then she began to pray. At that moment, we learned to agree in prayer on how far God has brought us by His love. Praise God!
- Exposure of pride: My dear sister didn’t have life insurance. The situation with asking for money to help with Angie’s funeral costs helped combat pride. Her children and I wanted her to have a proper burial. Our desperation pushed us past caring about what judgmental people thought, and we reached out to family and friends through phone calls and social media. A question came in my spirit after the funeral. “Why is it so hard to put yourself out there?” Two words. PRIDE and FEAR. Lesson learned: Don’t let pride or fear control you.
- Telling someone thank you: A pastor in our district gave me a very inspiring card of condolence for the loss of my sister. It read, “Tough Cookie – noun. 1. Someone with the right mix of sweetness and strength. 2. One who doesn’t crumble under pressure. 3. A fighter who’s too busy kicking butt to sit down and cry, but knows it’s okay to do both. 4. A person who doesn’t always ask for support, but has lots of friends who would do anything to help. …Hang in there, Tough Cookie.” Those words blessed and resonated with me so. The next day, as I wrote a text to thank him and compliment him on a sermon that he preached, the enemy attacked my mind. Tormenting thoughts came, such as, “He’s a single pastor and will think you are trying to chase him.” But through telling him, “Thank you,” and complementing him, life is teaching me that sending an innocent thank you text is not the same as flirting. The Lord said, “Rochelle, you know how to flirt. Your complement to a fellow co-laborer in the gospel is not a flirt. After all you DO know how to flirt.” The Lord allowed this life situation to teach me to not succumb to the hindering taunts of the enemy of my soul. Praise God for the in-dwelling of The Holy Spirit!
- Praying and Meditating on God’s Word: Psalm 119:71 “It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.” (KJV) Proverbs 3:5,6 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” (KJV). Psalm 34:1 “I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” (KJV)
My friends, thank you for joining me today. Here are a few questions for thought and discussion: “What are your current life lessons? Do you agree that life lessons help you in your journey? What is life teaching you today? Join me in conversation. I’d love to hear from you. We’ll talk soon.