Originally posted 2018-06-29 11:59:27.
Hi!Wow! It has been two months since I last posted on this blog. Where was I? I guess you’re wondering, if I was experiencing writer’s block. I don’t think so! It’s safe to say, “The delay wasn’t caused by a brain freeze.”
Well, then; what was the reason for the time lag? Had I lost interest in “Springing Beyond These Walls?” Was I on a sabbatical? Had the walls that fueled my writings dissipated? Nope! Nope! Nope!!
Actually, during these two months away from the blog; I discovered many walls in my life, and in the lives of others. For instance; this year; May was a rough month for me. Memories of losses flooded my mind. May 2nd, was the sixteenth anniversary of my mom’s death. May 3rd, was the second anniversary of my sister’s death. On May 5, 2014; my only daughter went into the hospital, never to come out. She passed away, June 3, 2014.
Grief bombarded my thoughts; as if they all had just died this year. The warfare was so strong; until the spirit of suicide attacked me. But, I’m thankful to God for not allowing me to give in to the constant prodding from the enemy of my soul.
I say, “Yay!!!!!!!! Happiness’ constant push; seeped through the cracks of sadness.”
Today; as I finish this post; there’s a wonderful feeling of “breakthrough” in my spirit. I feel like doing a backwards flip. If you’ve read any of my earlier posts; you know writing is therapeutic for me. Excitement is oozing!!
So, why didn’t I use it in May and early June? Actually, I tried; but, the grief clouded the words. I had the title to this post the last week of April. I wrote some of it. Why was it so difficult to finish this post?
Perhaps the culprit wasn’t entirely grief. Maybe my scattered thoughts resulted from; interacting with multiple people. Communicating with diverse personalities, gives you a lot to process. Think about it.
In seven days; you might experience the mentality of family members, coworkers, business associates, classmates, students, mentees, instructors, co-laborers in the gospel, neighbors, friends, and enemies. The range can become massive. The various moods of different people you come in contact with on a daily basis, can mess with your mindset; and creep into your happy place.. The best way to tackle the subject of mindsets; as it relates to happiness; is to just do it.
So, let’s……!!
There’s an adage that says, “Association brings about assimilation!” That’s true. Encountering negativity through people on a regular basis affects your mindset. It could happen through those mentioned above; through television; or social media. Whatever the venue; what enters into your eye or ear gates will either cause you to develop a negative mindset; or remind you of the importance of being optimistic. It begs the question; does positive or negative thinking directly affect your happiness? Yes?
It’s ironic how ordinary situations expose low optimism.
One day, it came in my spirit that I have a habit of expecting the worst to happen. I had that epiphany, while watching, “General Hospital.” Jason, Sam and Spinelli were in a foreign country disguised as special agents. As they strong armed a crooked banker for information about someone they were trying to find; I became filled with anxiety, and turned the channel. I didn’t want to see them get caught. Then I heard in my spirit; “Rochelle, why do you expect the worst to happen so often?”
That question stung me. Then I remembered how I worry that something bad will happen when I watch a show with a plot of suspense. I realized how my mind automatically goes to worse case scenarios. Wow! I learned of the hidden buzz kill, through a make-believe soap opera. Isn’t that wonderful?
Questions started flooding my mind.
I heard, “Rochelle! When did you begin to think so negatively? How did it start? What happened in your childhood or young adulthood that caused you to think the worst would happen? How many disappointments and rejections have you had that convinced you to always expect the worst? Why does thinking something bad will happen, always come into your mind?”
It’s all about the mindset.
My friend, do you see how someone’s mindset influences their happiness? What if scars from bad events are plastered on the walls of your mind? How do you release the tarnished memories?
If that’s you; ask yourself a question. “Do I want things to change for me?” That’s the first step. But, sometimes the question of how things will change dampens the want. That’s why it’s best to let go of the how; and move into the realm of expectancy.
Expect good to happen; even during negative moments.
I’ve been in an alone place for some time. Even in the midst of a crowd. Can you relate? I’ve been praying for God to deliver me out of this alone place. In actuality; I see how God is delivering me IN this alone place. I’ve realized; I’m never alone. Jesus said, “Lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world.”
Remove negative influences from your life!
Do you have so-called friends or associates who never compliment or support anything you do? Chop! Chop! Do you have people in your life who repeatedly find fault in your outfits; your writing; your clothes; your hair; or your words? Chop! Chop! Who makes snide remarks about your legs, hands, face, ears, voice; place of employment; or ministry delivery style? Chop! Chop! Who sees the downside of every idea you tell them about? Chop! Chop!
What Mindset Do You Need To Be Happy Today?
- Look at the bright side of every situation in your life.
- How many goals did you set last year with plans to reach them this year? Have you met any of them? Yes? That’s great!
- Celebrate small and big accomplishments; and expect greater ones to happen.
- Look forward to better days.
- Enjoy today’s happy moments.
- See your assets, intelligence, beauty, handsomeness, gifts, talents; and your relationship with the God of Heaven.
- Expect your prayers for your loved ones to manifest. See the small answered prayers; and look for more.
- Choose positivity.
- Laugh! Pray! Love! Praise! Dream again!
My friend; do not spend your life allowing bad experiences from the past to overshadow today’s possibilities. Don’t let today’s storms cloud your sunshine. It’s time to kick reminders of negative experiences to the curb. If that means; forgiving those who insulted or crossed you; DO IT!! If it means; forgiving yourself for past mistakes; DO IT!! If it means; being a bit uncomfortable finding you; after you’ve dropped long-standing self-defeating ways; DO IT!! Let the “NEW YOU SPRING FORTH!!
That’s the mindset needed to travel the road of happiness. I’ll leave you with one of my favorite scriptures: “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13 KJV
Thank you for joining me today. We will talk soon.