Originally posted 2018-01-01 20:33:12.
Hi!!Yaaaaay!!!! It’s the first day of 2K18! I’m OFFICIALLY UNBOTHERED!! That was the title of my pastor’s message last night in service. That powerful message prompted me and others at our church to praise into the New Year!
“OFFICIALLY UNBOTHERED,” will not just stick with me throughout 2K18. This solid phrase’s indelible imprint will echo in the corridors of my mind and heart; for the rest of my life.
Last night’s message was profound. Today, it’s bolstering me to finish today’s post. I started writing this post on Wednesday, December 27, 2017; got busy; and put it down. But, 5 days later; and in a new year; it’s time for completion.
So, let’s do this!
Are you ready to try something new? I certainly am. AND, there’s no time like the present. STOP! Before you write this off as simply another New Year gimmick; hang with me; and let me ask you: Do you make New Years resolutions?
Yes? Have you ever thought about ditching them? If not; how about starting now. Come on! Take a chance; kick resolutions to the curb; and try something new this year.
Alright now stop it. I hear you saying; “Rochelle, girl you’re being ridiculous.” But, think about it. Don’t you usually associate New Year resolutions with succeeding and becoming better? I do too. But, without sounding pessimistic; “How many of your 2K17 resolutions did you keep? What happened to the ones that remain undone?” How does that make you feel?
Good? Great? Not good? Still, great!
Self-declarative promises not accomplished, have dual effects on people. If you’re like me; when you don’t keep a resolution, you usually pacify yourself. When one year’s resolutions were a bust, do you tell yourself; “Oh well! I’ll start again this year?” Yes? Well, in essence; that’s a good thing. At least you’re trying. But, wait a minute!
Check out this twist.
Last week, I read an article that mentioned how making New Years resolutions often cause you to feel like a failure. At first; I thought, “WHAT?!? How could something as fleeting as a resolution cause you to classify yourself as unsuccessful? This writer is a Debbie Downer!”
BUT, as I continued reading the article; something clicked. When you make resolutions, and don’t stick to them; sub-conscious feelings of incompetency may linger. The catch is; you don’t even realize those, ‘beat yourself up,’ feelings are there. But, they feed off of strong whispers in your spirit; such as; “You’re just afraid! You missed your time! It’s too late! You procrastinate too much!” They’re bombarding your thoughts so often; until they seem normal. But they’re not. They’re esteem killers; goal snatchers.
But, my friend, “There IS a fix.”
The writer of the article suggested using a word to keep you on track for the year. This really resonated with me. I thought about resolutions I repeated two, three, four, and five years in a row. I also thought: “Maybe resolutions feed into causes of unmet goals. Maybe resolutions trigger excuses.” But, these excuses only camouflage self ill-feelings.
Do you remember having made resolutions; and you forgot about them by February 1st? Have you ever started the year determined to lose weight; save money; curb your shopping; quit smoking; overcome an addiction; enroll in college; start a webcast; or open an on-line business? Then, December rolled around; and you hadn’t done a thing. Or you had multiple false starts throughout the year. How did you feel? Did, “Failure! Failure! Failure!” ring in your ears? Yes?!?
So, what should you do?
After reading the article I mentioned above; my mind started racing. I thought about so many words. I even tested the theory on my 11-year-old great-niece, Skyka. I said, “Skyla, if you had to choose one word that will remind you to stay on track and do what you need to do; what would it be? Skyla paused, and confidently uttered, “Um!! Sophisticated!”
Wow!! That’s from an 11-year-old. I wondered why she chose; sophisticated. When she occasionally calls me; we talk about school. Perhaps, when she’s around unruly kids at school; her “One Word,” will help her. I can see Skyla telling herself, “Don’t forget; you’re sophisticated.” Her “One Word,” will help her to not succumb to peer pressure; and to keep in mind of how advanced she is. That makes sense for a pre-teen.
Well, what’s the one word that keeps firing up my focus?
As I sit here at my dining table; looking at reading material; multiple Bibles; and notebooks sprawled across the table; I’m yet wondering. What one word do I need to perpetually keep me focused, so I can complete goals?
Trying to decide the one word that will fire my focus is difficult. At this point, I’m vacillating between three words: confidence; finish; and prosperity.
Why these three words? They spark thoughts in unique ways.
- Confidence: In the Lord; helps you trust the Lord to guide and direct you to carry out goals. In your abilities; a constant reminder of what God has equipped you with. In the Lord; a reminder of God being in control. It combats fear; low self-esteem; and self-consciousness. It screams; “Have faith; let faith drive you.” It’s a fiery pusher.
- Finish: It reminds you to stop procrastinating. It exposes the many false starts and incomplete goals. It drives you to want to experience the joy of seeing a plan come together. It gives you that, “Yaaayyyy! I did it!” drive.
It’s another fiery pusher.
- Prosperity: It reminds you of your lack; spiritually and naturally. It reminds you to seek growth in your relationship with God; spend more time in prayer and the Word; so your soul can prosper. It reminds you of things you want; i.e., a new house; building for business; a mind to complete higher educational goals; money for ministry. It pushes you to keep doing what God tells you; to get wealth. Things you want to do for loved ones. Yet; another fiery pusher.
OMG! When you look at the three words; they all sprout valid points. They all fire up your focus. Such indecision!
So, my friend; I need YOUR HELP! Which one, of the three words would you choose; and for what reasons? I look forward to your response.
Thank you for joining me today! May your “Year” be filled with, joy, peace, love, rest, success; and with you being “Officially Unbothered.” We’ll talk soon.