Originally posted 2017-01-09 15:35:54.
Hi!Do you ever find random words or phrases popping up in your mind repeatedly? What do you do? Are you so busy until you forget about the words until they come across your mind again? That’s what most of us do. We dismiss those passing thoughts. Especially when we have so many things to think about. …But, when words or phrases continue to walk through the corridors of our minds; some of us pause to pray and ask the Lord, “What is this?” Oh yes! Some of us are so methodical until we even count the words; and begin to wonder why they keep landing on the runways of our minds.
What about you? Have you ever had a word or phrase that just wouldn’t leave you? I have. As a matter of fact; the title to this post came into my thoughts on December 16, 2016; and I typed it into my phone. When the question, “Where are you going,” first came into my spirit; I was so bombarded with thoughts about Christmas; lost loved ones; and other things until those four words were irrelevant. Yet; I typed a reminder in the notes on my phone to make this my first post for 2017. Why? Only God knows. …So here we go. Let’s look at some thoughts about, “Where are you going?”
There are so many ways to look at that question. They are:
- Does the question allude to a physical place? – Like, when you are leaving out of the house; and your loved one asks, “Where are you going?” Perhaps, you are taking a ride in your car just to think; and ask yourself, “Where am I going?” Have you ever decided to take a power walk to just sort some things out in your mind; and you discover that you’ve walked a great distance from your starting point? Then you ask yourself, “Where am I going?”
- Someone may ask you a question, and you think to yourself, “Where are they going with this? What’s the real meaning behind that question?” – Most of us find ourselves formulating a response when we have this type of reaction to a question.
- You could be reading a book; an article; or even this blog post, and wonder, “Where is this writer going?”
- You might be a business owner contemplating ways to expand your business and ponder, “Where are we going from here?” – Think about it. Could this question come into your thoughts to prompt you to make some plans and set some goals; so that your plans can materialize?
- You might be in the planning stages of starting a new business or ministry venture. Certainly, one of your questions would be, “Where am I going?” – Perhaps this question is prodding you to put some feet to your words.
- Most importantly; you may want to:
- Do some introspection, and seriously question yourself; “Where are you going in your life, career or ministry?” Are you in a stuck place? Sometimes, the stuck place is the cause of your frustration and unhappiness. My friend, when this happens, it behooves us to go to God in prayer, and see what He is saying. If we listen, I am certain, God will let us know what we need to do. Now, what you need to know is that, God may not answer you right away. When this happens; don’t stop praying; don’t stop moving forward. Sometimes God will allow you to waddle in stuck until YOU get so tired that you have no choice but to leap out of that unfruitful place. …If you are believing God for a mate; start fixing yourself up; repair your credit; learn to be happy with you and God; take off the mask; AND LIVE. You most certainly don’t want to depend on someone else to make you happy. …If it’s an online business or ministry that you want; go online and check out what others are doing in your niche. Start researching in the areas you want to go. Look at some webinars. Study up on what you need to do. Talk to trusted people who can help you. But, by all means; get up and go.
- Think about your platonic relationships with people who don’t support your endeavors. Ask yourself, “Where is this association going?” – Well! If people are always undermining your dreams and visions; and they never encourage you; the answer to that question is clear. It’s “NOWHERE!”
It just might be time to take out your scissors and do some snipping and cutting? It doesn’t matter if guilt tries to overtake you; when people you hold dear to your heart take pleasure in throwing darts at your accomplishments; break the chains. You’ll find that your drive to succeed takes on a new spark; when you perforate unhealthy ties with low-key haters.
- Ask yourself, “Where are you going with your life choices?” Do you need to enroll in a technical college or university to enhance your marketability? Do you need to break away from feelings of inadequacies; and take on the, “I can do all things through Christ; who strengthens me,” mentality? (cf. Phil 4:13) …Do you need to retake the GRE for a higher score that meets the standard of the prestigious universities that you want to attend? …Do you need to check that relationship that seems to drag on for years; with no progress; and say, “Bye, bye?”
Where are you going? It’s up to you to go…….
- …To your wealthy place. It’s time to discover what YOUR personal wealthy place is; and launch out and do what you are meant to do. Be who you are meant to be.
- …To your place of victory. Don’t you want to walk in victory? Well, get to stepping; find YOUR place of victory and walk in it.
- …Walk in the joy of the Lord. Pick up that Bible and read it. I’ve read hundreds of books in my lifetime; and found that there is no book like the Bible. In order to have the joy of the Lord; it takes reading God’s Word; and walking according to God’s mandates.
- …To your place of peace and tranquility. Pray and believe God in everything that you do.
…Bloom, expand, discover and experience. You’ll find through experience; that “with God, all things are possible (cf. Matthew 26:19); as you start “Springing Beyond These Walls,” that try to cloud our vision of success.
I was sitting in church last night listening to our Bishop speak. One thing of the many nuggets that stuck with me was; for us to see ourselves in our place of elevation. I immediately thought about what God has placed in my heart. I saw myself right there; AND, It is going to happen. My friend, where do you see yourself?
I’ll leave you with these questions. “Where are you going? Do you see yourself already there? If not, what are your plans and goals to get to where you are going?”
Thank you for joining me today. We’ll talk soon.