Originally posted 2017-12-14 10:15:43.
Hi!Have you ever said to yourself, “I just don’t want to do this anymore?” Has something that used to excite you morphed into borderline drudgery? Do you feel disconnected from a place that used to feel like a second home? You’re so far removed until changes (good or bad), don’t faze you anymore. Why? What happened?
The mind-boggling thing about being in this place, is; you really don’t know what it is? You can’t put your finger on it. All you know is; you’ve slowly started to drift. But where to?
Maybe it’s not certain situations that are causing your feelings of detachment. Perhaps it’s you. Maybe you’re tired. Could you have had enough? Yes? But, of what? And what’s the why?
Unpack your “Enough!”
Enough may linger in so many areas in your life. Such as:
- Living from check to check; not having the funds to enjoy life, like you want to.
- Being belittled by your boss.
- Leading disgruntled and rebellious people.
- Being in a relationship with far too many back-and-forth breakups.
- Having your feelings repeatedly smashed by someone you care deeply about.
- Being verbally or physically abused.
- Dealing with immature defensive people.
- Becoming upset from dealing with insecure driven competitive people.
- Being overweight.
- Being self-conscious about your appearance.
- Paying to get an old car fixed over and over.
- Worrying about loved ones.
- Beating yourself up; because of where you think you should be.
- Having lopsided brainstorming sessions. The list goes on.
But don’t fret. Sometimes God allows things to happen; so that having enough can shake you into action.
I recently had such an experience in a meeting. As I listened to the back-and-forth exchange of views; it took a lot; not to cry. I really didn’t know why the tears crept up; they just did.
The thing is; I looked forward to the meeting; with expectations of productivity. But the borderline heated exchanges of proving of selves; and downing of others’ techniques; brought back uncomfortable memories. It felt like the crab in the bucket atmosphere from years ago, in secular meetings.
My spirit became filled with grief. Disappointment bombarded my thoughts. It just didn’t seem as if the goals of many were to build the kingdom of God. I thought, “Maybe I’m naive. Perhaps I’m out of touch.” I wasn’t angry. I just felt out-of-place; and wanted to excuse myself.
But, God is so good. He guides you; and steers you away from “Quitting Boulevard.” Praise God! I stayed the duration of the meeting. But as soon as it adjourned, I immediately put my coat on and left. As I drove home; praying; a question unleashed an epiphany.
What have you had enough of?
I heard in my spirit, “Rochelle you are now able to articulate what has built up in your spirit for several years. These thoughts aren’t derived from one place or one occurrence. You feel this way from having observed the actions of people in Orlando, Charlotte, St. Louis, Ohio, Flint, Farmington Hills, Detroit; and on Social Media. Also, your overall life situations have sparked these thoughts.” I wondered, “Why now?” Then the questions just flowed.
How far has the body of Christ drifted away from Jesus’ great commission in Matthew 28:19? Have we lost our focus? Do we remember that we are to go out into the highways and hedges and compel men to come to Christ? Have we forgotten that we are to go and make disciples of all people groups? That’s in-reach and out-reach. Have we allowed our urgent need to have our ideas validated, to overshadow the main goal; winning souls for Christ? Are we far removed from hearing the cry of hurting people? Yes? Well, let’s turn a corner…
The Bible will never go out of style!
Never! God’s Word is our roadmap for holy living; and our how-to book never changes. Even though God’s methods change; our Lord remains the same. “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” Hebrews 13:8 KJV
With all the modern-day theatrics going on in mainstream Christendom; it doesn’t negate the power of God’s Holy Word. Don’t get me wrong. This is not an attack against up-to-date methods of worship and delivery. However, there is a difference between a worship service to lift Jesus up; and a show; where The Word is a small plug-in.
Have the Word of God ceased to serve as a Christian’s guide for living? I pray not. It is the Word of God; that changes the heart. It is the Word of God that cuts through strongholds; shows us how to take our burdens to The Lord; and teaches us how to live victoriously. Scripture says, “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 KJV
So where is your having enough pushing YOU to?
Life happens to all of us. Frustration will push Christians away from churches; and eventually away from God; or drive you to your knees for answers. Hopefully, annoyance will push you to pray, join a church or stay in your church; and draw closer to God.
When you’ve gotten fed up with a supervisor or manager on your job, who treats you bad; it should push you to pray. Let the ill-will push you to seek other employment; go get your degree; or plan to open that business. When you’ve had enough of dealing with people who become angry just because you gave a suggestion; let it push you to look at yourself. Allow it to push you to hear what the Lord wants of you.
Perhaps you are a leader who leads a team of disgruntled, refractory employees. Having enough can push you into seeking God about how to help others to become engaged. It may also push you to send out resumes.
When you’ve gotten tired of living from check to check; it will push you to pray and research income streams. God is so merciful. He will put someone in your midst to give you an extra nudge.
Last week, I was on a call with one of my spiritual brothers. We talked for over an hour. Near the end of the conversation, he said, “Sister, with the brain that you have; there is no way you should have financial struggles.” In other words; he was pushing me into seeking and asking God how to use the gifts that God has given me. A scripture came to mind. “But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.” Deuteronomy 8:18 KJV.
My friend, I hear the Lord saying, “Seek God for that power; and USE IT!”
Perhaps God placed into your spirit some time ago; the need to finish your undergrad or graduate studies. You had valid reasons why you stopped; or put it off. But that was then; this is now. Having enough of dealing with rebellious people; and wars in the kingdom will push you to go finish your studies. Oh yes it will!
Friction and challenges will push you to see yourself walking where God has called you to. It reminds me of one of my favorite scriptures. “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:” Philippians 1:6 KJV
When your home away from home becomes a strange land; allow it to push you to seek God all the more. Let it push you to pray! Prayer will keep you grounded. God will allow you to see where you need to intercede. You will discover your growth; and areas where you need more growth. Clarity will spring forth. You will see where some of your tears derive from. They are no more than you feeling someone else’s dismay. You INTERCESSOR!!
My friend, if you stay attentive to the voice of The Lord, and obey His Word, “Enough,” will push you to the path of good success. You will see how your success will not only help you; but will help you to help others. There are so many people who need what God has placed in YOU. So, welcome having, “Enough!”
Thank you for joining me today. I’ll leave you with this thought; “Where is ‘Enough’ pushing you to?” We’ll talk soon.